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RE: What's "worth" dying for!

in Rant, Complain, Talklast month

There is sadly such an enormous amount of pressure in society right now to want people to kill themselves. It stems from the unbelievably flaws Malthusian thought that we are overpopulated and will completely decimate the earth and it will be a barren wasteland for millions of years. It’s preposterous especially because we are a smart species - we figure out problems! Instead of efficiencies becoming the thing we focus on there is a push to get rid of the extra mouths to feed and it’s through considerable societal pressure like highly manipulated inflation, pushes for medical assisted suicide and various other means. It’s really a fucked up situation!


I realized the most regretting part of all these is, the more value is added to the standard of life, the less valuer living is becoming!
We were not conscious of mental health, fundamental rights, such passion to full fill hopes and dreams, thinking about life, philosophy, what is expected and desired from life and all even 50 years ago! Now that we are learning more to focus and taking care of us and others, it should have improved the value of our life, which unfortunately is making us rather lonely, aimless, superficial in relationships, goals, and objectives!
I wonder why!