Waiting for miracle

Electricity is one of the wonderful wonders modern science. We are living in this digital world and all the technological devices are highly dependent on electricity. And we are highly dependent on those technological devices in our daily life and we don't want to think about life without those devices especially smartphones and computers.

In the ancient time people spend their life without electricity and it was normal in that time but in the current time it's nearly impossible because we became used to with electricity. Moreover, most of work dependent on electricity. Electricity is a requirement if any country wants to be development because in traditional system trying to develop a country is very slow in the current world.

In my country before 2012 the shortage of electricity was very common and most of the time there was no electricity. Electricity was like a guest for us which used to come sometimes only. That time it was very irritating to us specially in the time of summer because of extreme heat. The good thing was temperature was high but it wasn't too high like the current time and people used to with the situation and shortage of electricity was set in everyone's mind.

Fortunately, after 2012 government focused on electricity and after the the shortage of electricity started to decrease and after some years the load shedding almost disappeared. Next 7-9 year passed like that and we almost forgot that there is something like shortage of power. But in 2023 after the pandemic time the economic condition of my country became worse. The several electricity power plant stopped due to lack of fuel. Unfortunately the temperature was very high and increased too much that broke all the past record which naturally created more demand of electricity where the electricity production was decreasing.

As a result, all of a sudden the shortage of electricity make people worried a lot and people were suffering for extreme heat. People never expected to face that kind of situation again and nobody was prepared for it. Another reason was we became used to full time electricity supply and sudden change was hard to adapt. This year the same situation is repeating again and our country's people already started to face terrible time as summer season started.

Do you actually know why we are facing this kind if situation again? It's because of corruption otherwise the economic condition would not be so bad like now. Almost all the sectors are fulfilled with corrupted people and because of their selfish desire they don't hesitate to steal the money of my country. My country can be a one of the best example of corruption and corruption happens openly here. It seems we are going back to the past times but it's unfortunate that nature is not so friendly with is like it was in the past and again we don't have the same kind of mentality either. Only miracle can save us. Although without miracle it's possible but I am not seeing any kind of sign of improvement and so I am expecting for miracle.


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Electricity is part of what we really need everywhere as it is part of the world necessities.

It's necessary for all of us and we are used to with it. It's very hard to cope up with the digital world if there is shortage of electricity.

Yeah, you are very right. Even where I stay now was not having the issue of electricity but now they are sometimes having that issues and it's becoming tiring.

 2 months ago  

Sadly corruption is the source of so many of these issues, I’m not surprised at all. Hopefully the people where you live can get together and demand it be improved!

I can't expect that thing also because everyone already accepted it as fate and those who are trying to say against it are losing their life. It's kind of like we need to keep quiet if we want to survive.

 2 months ago  

No! Never keep quiet in order to survive. That is how these issues become as widespread as they are, when good people stay silent in the face of corruption. We need to band together and call out the nonsense in the small ways that we can.