Rant, Complain, Talk - What I miss most after six months of travel: my other flirty clothes and accessories. / Lo que más extraño tras seis meses de viaje: mi otra ropa y accesorios coquetos. 😅❤️

in Rant, Complain, Talklast month

It's amazing to think how these last six months of walking have flown by for me. When you have fun, time flies and so far it has been, when day after day goes by very fast while I work and enjoy the most beautiful places in my country. This lifestyle that I lead for now has made me even more minimalist than I was before, because it forces me to move with just the right things for a light trip. But even though everything works well for me, lately I can't help but miss the belongings I left at home, especially my other clothes and all the things I use to try to beautify myself a bit more 😅.

Es increíble pensar en como estos últimos seis meses paseando pasaron volando para mí. Cuando uno se divierte el tiempo vuela y así está siendo hasta ahora, cuando día tras día pasa muy rápido mientras trabajo y disfruto de los lugares más hermosos de mi país. Este estilo de vida que llevo por ahora me volvió aún más minimalista de lo que ya era antes, porque me obliga a moverme con las cosas justas y necesarias para un viaje ligero. Pero a pesar de que todo funciona bien para mí, últimamente no puedo evitar extrañar las pertenencias que dejé en mi casa, especialmente mi otra ropa y todos las cosas que uso para intentar embellecerme un poco más 😅.

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Since I left home at the end of November I have been wearing the same clothes. Preparing this backpack was a strategic act as I had to put some summer and winter clothes as well, since I didn't want to be limited to one type of weather. I made a detailed list that includes 2 or 3 items of each type and so far, I never felt that I lacked warm or comfortable clothes. As of today, I already know by heart everything I brought and since I have limited outfits, I am also constantly washing and keeping my clothes clean. This doesn't happen to me at home, where I probably have an accumulation of clothes of all kinds 😂.

Desde que salí de casa a fines de noviembre que estoy usando la misma ropa. Preparar esta mochila fue un acto estratégico ya que tuve que poner un poco de ropa de verano y también de invierno, ya que no quería estar limitada a un solo tipo de clima. Hice una lista detallada que incluye 2 o 3 prendas de cada tipo y hasta el momento, nunca sentí que me faltara abrigo o ropa cómoda. Al día de hoy, ya sé de memoria todo lo que traje y como tengo los outfits limitados, también estoy constantemente lavando y manteniendo limpias mis prendas. Esto no me pasa en mi casa, dónde probablemente tenga un inicio de acumulación de ropa de todo tipo 😂.


Something that happened to me in the middle of the trip is that I felt that I was losing a little bit the aesthetics I had of myself. Many days went by where I was wearing comfortable and mountain clothes, which are not exactly the most flirtatious or elegant. I also didn't wear make-up at all, since it is not something that is necessary when one spends more than 20 km a day walking. Dressing up and keeping 'feminine' is something I did regularly while at home, but on this walk that sense was a bit forgotten. I gradually got to the point where I felt like I abandoned my own image and felt a bit bad: simply put, I felt horrible 😂.

Algo que me pasó en medio del viaje es que sentí que estaba perdiendo un poco la propia estética que tenía de mi misma. Pasaron muchos días en dónde estuve con ropa cómoda y de montaña, que no es precisamente la mas coqueta o elegante. Tampoco me maquillaba para nada, ya que no es algo que sea necesario cuando uno se la pasa caminando más de 20 km por día. Vestirme bien y mantenerme 'femenina' es algo que hacía regularmente mientras estaba en mi casa, pero en este paseo ese sentido quedó un poco olvidado. Poco a poco llegué al punto de sentir que abandoné mi propia imagen y me sentí un poco mal: en palabras simples, me sentía horrible 😂.


Since I'm currently still traveling and have no place to buy beautiful new clothes, I solved this by putting on a little makeup from time to time and wearing the 'nicest' clothes I have with me, even if it's just to be indoors when I don't need to be too warm. I definitely miss the clothes I left at home, as well as my bijouterie, my handbags and my other shoes. During this walk I learned a lot about detachment and although I'm managing it pretty well now, I can't help but miss the other material things I know I have. I guess this is also part of the nomadic travel process, and that it's a matter of, for now, learning to be content with what you have on a day-to-day basis ✨.

Como actualmente sigo de viaje y no tengo lugar para comprar ropa hermosa nueva, resolví esto maquillándome un poco de tanto en tanto y ponerme la ropa más 'linda' que tengo conmigo, aunque sea para estar en los interiores cuando no es necesario estar muy abrigada. Definitivamente extraño la ropa que dejé en mi casa, al igual que mi bijouterie, mis carteras y mis otros zapatos. Durante este paseo aprendí mucho sobre el desapego y aunque ya lo estoy manejando bastante bien, no puedo evitar extrañar las demás cosas materiales que sé que tengo. Supongo que esto también es parte del proceso del viaje nómada, y que es cuestión de, por ahora, aprender a conformarse con lo que uno tiene en el día a día ✨.


Living this travel experience for so many months is being one of the most enriching because I am feeling things that I did not feel before, and in a very, very broad sense. Of course I miss my family and friends, but I never thought I would miss a pair of pants, a dress or boots. Getting out of the comfort zone includes all of these situations and makes you rethink what things you give importance to and what things you don't. I know it won't be long before I'll be back home and wearing all those things I left there, but in the meantime I have a couple more days of wearing the same thing (the travel uniform, as I say lately). The only thing I hope is that all the clothes still fit me well, mainly the tight pants because it's been more than six months since I've worn some 😂.

Vivir esta experiencia de viaje por tantos meses está siendo una de las más enriquecedoras porque estoy sintiendo cosas que no sentí antes, y en un sentido muy, muy amplio. Por supuesto extraño a mi familia y amigos, pero nunca pensé extrañar un pantalón, un vestido o unas botas. Salir de la zona de confort incluye todas estas situaciones y te hace replantearte a qué cosas les das importancia y a cuáles no. Sé que falta poco para volver a mi casa y usar todas esas cosas que me quedaron ahí, pero mientras tanto tengo un par de días más de usar siempre lo mismo (el uniforme de viaje, como digo últimamente). Lo único que espero es que toda la ropa me siga entrando bien, principalmente los pantalones ajustados porque hace más de seis meses que no uso unos 😂.

❤️ Hope you liked this post! Thanks for reading. ❤️

❤️¡Espero que les haya gustado este post! Gracias por leer. ❤️


With lots of love. / Con mucho amor.
Lau 💕.

📸 Cover created with Canva. All the images are my property 💕.
📸 Portada creada en Canva. Todas las imágenes son de mi propiedad 💕.


How are you dear friend @lauramica good morning
When you are having a good time, time passes faster than ever, and even more so when you are enjoying beautiful places.
It's good that when you started this trip you already had experience, thanks to that you were able to make an efficient travel bag.
Without a doubt, constantly traveling has been a new experience for you, and yes, it is understandable that you miss your pretty clothes and accessories.
What a beautiful experience you are having on this trip.
Have a great day

 last month  

Thank you very much Luis! Everything is fine, the clothes are just a small observation haha. But the trip is going great. Thanks for stopping by ❤️.

Jajajaja, extrañar tus otras versiones está muy bien y es normal, es bastante aburrido ponerse lo mismo por tanto tiempo 😂. Cuando vuelvas a tu casa seguro veremos varios posts con outfits glamorosos jejeje ✨😁

 last month  

Ay Dios ya estoy harta jajaja, y ni hablar de que ya tengo todo percudido de tantos lavados seguidos 😅.


 last month  

I personally think that women need to ditch the makeup entirely! That stuff is no good for you or your skin, plus you look better without it! Screw the fake beauty standards people try to push to sell products. Au natural please :D

It's pretty wild that you've been away from home for 6 months, but it's amazing that Hive can support you like that on your journey! Really inspiring to see that and know that you've learned so much about yourself and the world during this time!

 last month  

Putting on makeup can be a bit of a habit... then you have a hard time recognizing your natural face. Personally I only use some mascara and lipstick and occasionally :)

And the trip is going amazing, the extra clothes are just a whim for now 😅.

Sounds like a truly enriching experience ❤️

I’ve always wanted to travel but I’m able to only take short trips due to classes :(

 last month  

The time will come when you can do it and it will be perfect :)

I hope bathing isn't an issue in your case, though.. that's something I can't ignore, even when I am in traveling mode haha... It's fine to wear same clothes again and again. I do that sometimes, as long as they are cleaned every after using hehe.. .
Just take care of yourself.. and still do some personal care.. you don't want to go back home looking haggard, do you? Hehe


 last month  

Hahaha nooo, the shower is never missing! I have enough clothes, I'm just a little bored of always the same. But hygiene of course remains intact 😂.

Hello @lauramica
I know how you feel, we ladies can't be without our feminine clothes and our jewelry, but I think it was worth it, you are getting to know beautiful places in Argentina

 last month  

Absolutely ❤️❤️❤️❤️