Did you ever get tired and...

find yourself suffering from Hive stress?


So many people whom you really like are posting so many posts that you want to read and give a good answer to? So many contests to join - write a story about this, cook something with that ingredient, take a photo of that, write a story about this too, do something fun during the weekend, take good walk in an interesting place, and post something about a game you play... And while you take a minute to write more than a copy-paste reply, the notifications keep piling up.

I'm definitely suffering from Hive stress. I see new and interesting contests to take part in, and save the post in a tab for later, I see someone asking a question, and I want to answer it as soon as I've looked things up... but I never get around to it. This morning I deleted 28 tabs from my browser, because there was no point replying any more. Expired! And yet I take the time off to write a post about it, instead of spending my time catching up - while I'm already two days behind. And half an hour trying to create an image to top the post. Sorry all you purists - I had to use AI, because I'm not an artist.

What's my aim, my goal, in writing this post? I don't know. I just felt like expressing myself on this topic. Even though it leaves me less time to catch up with my 453 unread notifications. 300 or so being duplicates... "NN posted a new post, NN mentioned you in their post." One notification is enough please. "NN replied to your post, NN mentioned you in their reply to your post." Same there.

@ecency is doing a good thing, letting me view only unread. It would be even better if I could view only upvotes (I can) and mark all those upvotes as read (I can't, clicking mark as read marks every notification of every kind as read... )

I can't even think of something to add for the tenth tag. That's how out of it I am.


The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people ( fokusnow ) sharing the post on LeoThreads,LikeTu,dBuzz.

 11 months ago  

Haha yes there is definitely a lot of things going on that we can’t get to all of them in a day or week! It’s best to try to focus down to what you can and do your best. That’s what I’ve been doing and it’s working well enough.

I know exactly what you mean about Hive stress. Because I've experienced everything you've said. But I think I might have found a partial workaround for your notification problem.

I'm assuming that you're using Ecency on mobile? Because I found that the best way to reduce my Hive stress was to always use desktop. Though, this might work on a mobile browser set to "Desktop site". Anyway, notifications on the desktop version are easy to set as read individually:

On the screenshot, I just clicked the little blue dot on the left of your notification to change it to "Read". But be careful, because once it's marked as read, I can't see a way to change it back to "Unread".

Most of all - thank you for your upvote 😀


I'm assuming that you're using Ecency on mobile?

No, I'm on a desktop, using the browser, not the app. I've tried the apps both for Mac and iOS and didn't really enjoy the experience 🤷

Getting rid of notifications by clicking the blue dot is great, the problem is that the notification still shows in the list. Unless I select to show only unread, of course, but that has its own problems or bugs: several times if I get rid of the first 30-40 notifications out of say 120, the the website will show I have 80 unread, but the list will be completely empty. Then I have to select show all, and scroll down and down and down past the read ones until I get to the unread ones. So I might as well not have bothered trying to show only unread.

I really understand this feeling. When I see those replied/mentioned notifications, it just feels bad because they take you to the same comment. And like you said, keeping up is no easy stuff. I do this fulltime and still dont keep up. I wonder how part-time users cope. But like you did, just clear notifs you could not attend to. Thats what i do.

Sometimes clearing them is the only way to cope, but at the same I feel bad because that means I will miss reading and replying to comments and posts that I wanted to see.

It varies from user to user...

Very true, and I should think that it varies for every user too, so that not every day is the same.