Negligence or Carelessness

Just yesterday after relocating to school to stay in the hostel for the very first time since my existence on earth, I strolled down my new environment for a little survey of what it looks like. I checked out for Supermarkets, restaurants, and strategic places where I could get my needs.

I needed to get a few toiletries for myself and while I was still searching for where to get them, I stumbled on this mall. Outside the mall is a mini Market where you can get fresh fruits, veggies, and other Groceries. Out there too are two beautiful Restaurants.
Well I went into the mall, I picked the few things I needed and some other stuff carefully checking their prices.

At the counter, my stuff was calculated and I paid for it and picked them up and left but still doubted the exact price of the items I paid for.
I retired back to my apartment, on getting there went through all the stuffs again this time with My receipt that's where found out that the Toothbrush i got was 3 times more expensive than the exact price it was labeled with at the store.



I stared at the Toothbrush, speechless for some minutes because I purchased an item way expensive than my budget. If I was in the house, getting a toothbrush that expensive wouldn't really be a problem because there is food and other Essential items in the house unlike here I buy every single thing I need including food.

Was It negligence or carelessness from My Side Or from the Shop
I was careful enough to check the prices of the things I bought but I didn't check the receipt
But even if I had checked the receipt, payments have been made already and computed.

On the Other hand, the labeling was wrong and the fact was from the storekeepers because they failed to update the prices of goods or the correct item or better still labeling wrongly. The labeling was entirely different from the actual price.

Well my feeding money for the day was gone and I has to stay hungry. My roommates laughed at me and they like welcoming to Hostel Life.

Honestly, the next time I visit the mall, I'll buy and lay my complaints as well to them, to be very conscious of Labellings to avoid costumers buying out of budget.

 7 months ago  

That’s unfortunate you had that happen! It’s never good to get something for a higher price than what you’d think but it’s also tough when you are on a pretty strict budget. Hopefully you can store up some food so that you can at least make rice and beans or something in the event of something like this happening again.