Going back to that Same Fresh Milk Goodness

in Market Friday5 months ago (edited)

Hello #MarketFriday community. I am back to share my market experience while touring around VSU campus. While at the campus, I couldn't miss the opportunity to buy one of the popular product which brings back sweet memories of my college life, the Fresh Carabao's Milk. That aunthentic and distinct taste lingered in my mind as we walked our way to PCC.

One of the regional centers of the Philippine Carabao Center (PCC) is located in Visayas State University campus. The PCC is mandated to conserve, propagate and promote the carabao as a source of draft animal power, meat, milk, and hide to benefit the rural farmers. The carabao is considered as the country's national animal becuse of its usefullness in farming.


We walked along this buffalo lane to get to PCC. I was thinking for a moment if we should be walking this lane. How I understand it, this lane is especially made for the buffalos. Well, there were no buffalos passing, so I guess it was just fine. 😄

We went inside the PCC compound and walked directly to their shop. IMG_20240107_214756.jpg
The distribution and selling of their products in the market is managed by the Baybay Dairy Cooperative. They also have stalls in the city center but it's different when you buy at the main store, right? IMG_20240107_214815.jpg

Here are the list of the dairy products they sell and its corresponding price.
We bought 1, 500 mL bottle of fresh milk and 2 bottles of 250 mL chocomilk. This products are my favorites. There is that certain texture, thickness and savoury taste distinct to a fresh milk from a carabao's milk.
After picking up our purchase, we headed to the VSU market. This will be our last leg before leaving the campus.

The rain had stopped and the sky began to clear a bit. Our eyes were caught by the beauty in front of us. Mt. Pangasugan started to show itself. There were still clouds above it but part of it was already visible.

Look at those waterfalls! There were three, as you could see those flowing from the mountains. Isn't that incredible?

Another view of the majestic mountain as we walked our way to the VSU market. The thick clouds were still hovering above it.


Although, we really wanted to have a sip with the bottle of fresh milk, it was too frozen. And thankfully it was because I almost forgot that I have milk protein intolerance to fresh milk and consuming it while we were not at the comfort of our homes would be a disaster, lol! What a scary thought! 😆

Another beautiful lane we passed by cannopied by trees. I just couldn't help but share this scenery.


From afar, we saw the cattles were brought to graze on the grasses in the area while the birds were flying around following them. What a sight to behold.

Afterwards, guided by their caretaker, the cattles started running towards where we were walking. Then, we were witnessing a parade of cattles right in front of us! At first I felt nervous that they might ran over us but I was fascinated!


They stopped in front of the new library building to graze just opposite to where we were standing. Oh, I loved the scene. It gave me that farmville game kind of vibe, the game on facebook before which we were addicted, lol! Moreover, a farm vehicle passed by adding that aunthentic being in a farm land experience. IMG_20240107_230017.jpg


I then took a photo of the bottle of freshmilk against the new library with the grazing cattles. Well, those are cattles and not carabaos, but who cares, I just loved the scenery. Carabaos and cattles are of the same family anyway. 😄


And this new library building is just so minimalistic but elegantly designed. If this is our library, I'd probably read more and study more 😄.


Going back for that same old fresh milk goodness, seeing that laid back kind of the farm life and the beautiful scenery around, this is how my #MarketFriday went.

Have a wonderful week!


Wahhh Im curioud about the carabao milk, di pa ako nakaka try nyan, what's the difference dun sa gatas na nakanasayan na natin 🤔

Mas malinamnam sis

Yay! 🤗
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Wala pa ko ka-try ug carabao's milk, kung mouli ko ug leyte moanha na jud ko dapat sa VSU mem kay ganahan kaau ko sa place

Btaw mem dapat makasuroy na jud ka dri. Isuroy tika puhon. Heheh. Daghan pa jud na dha nice mga lugar kadtong padong nas bukid. Pwede sad padagat.

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I love fresh milk, just that is quite expensive now. Fresh milk is the best