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RE: Peaking in Lavender by Market Friday

in Market Friday11 months ago

Lavender and heather grow plentiful in Scotland and can be the same colour too.
Oh yes the language of flowers, I must admit though I tend to only have plants in the house. One thing Mrs T taught me many years ago was to not give her flowers as it made her sad when they finally gave up the ghost, but rather get her a plant. So that has stuck with me!


That is what many people say and I have to agree. My mom was one of those people. She didn't want people to feel like they wasted their money on a short-lived bouquet! Flowers that only bloom for a day or two tend to be the most expensive, or perhaps that is just a perception.

At any rate, Mrs. T sounds like a smart woman. Which is why, I buy the plants, not so much order a bouquet!