Exploring Nepal: Amazing vegetable market in Kathmandu

in Market Friday6 months ago (edited)

Hello dear hive community,

The feeling to visit a wonderful vegetable market is amazing. Crowd, different people and the smell of all the fresh ingredients. Here in Nepal we discovered so many new types of mushrooms and vegetables.






The market is very big and consists of countless small suppliers who offer different items. People are cruising around and observing the tables trying to find the best looking and smelling veggies. The competition is very high, since many suppliers often offer similar products.




The system of vegetable markets in Nepal is very simple. We have one main big market where you can buy only from 5 kg forward. It opens at 4 o’clock in the morning. Here the prices are the cheapest. Suppliers and other salespeople but there and resell with a small profit. The vegetable is still very cheap compared to Europe. For 6 bags full of vegetable and mushrooms we payed around 5€! Where you can get that?


Most of the vegetables is local and comes from the area. Maybe some things like tapioca might be imported from some other nearby country.

The biggest discovery was a king oyster mushroom which looks very majestic with the long white steam. We bought it many times and always enjoyed in different foods. Generally the mushrooms were so nice and they offered many varieties.



We really enjoyed visiting this markets as it reflects a lot on people’s life. Besides getting fresh local food is also a nice socializing thing for the people. Everyone is very friendly and helps you to find the veggies you are looking for. This type of markets will definitely miss when leaving Asia.

Thank you for reading. Wish you a nice day!


The market first look strange to me with the things the sell

Vegetables I love the beautiful environment with our all very favorite cauliflower market shopkeeper. The soul connection between the shopkeeper and the shopper is truly a genius. So we buy fresh vegetables every day which I have seen among you. What you see in the picture is really important. We buy products through bargains. It is a great pleasure to prepare and present healthy cuisine for our family. My respect and love to you and your family always. I hope you always buy vegetables fruits all your necessary products in such a beautiful environment it is definitely cheap. I always hope God keep you healthy and beautiful.
best regards @mdakash62