A New Member Of Our Family / 新しい家族

in Hive Pets26 days ago (edited)


Let me introduce you to a new member of my family.

In the top photo, from the far left, you can see Pepper, Oz, and the newest addition...can you spot the little green bird?

His name is Wasabi.

These parakeets belong to my youngest daughter, who is in charge of their care, but since I also love birds, I help out a bit too.

We adopted a pale blue parakeet two years ago and named it Oz. Oz later turned out to be a female, which was not a surprise because it's hard to determine their sex clearly until some time after birth. When they grow up, the female's cere (the top part of their beak) turns brown or white, and the male's turns blue or pink. Oz is female because her cere turned brown.
I recently learned that a brown and crusty cere indicates the breeding season, so we have to be careful (we didn't get Wasabi with the intention of breeding them). Interestingly, parakeets can be interested in breeding all year round if the conditions are right, even if kept alone. So far, Oz shows no symptoms other than the colour change of her cere.

Another way to tell their sex is by the shape of their head. According to that method, Oz is female and Wasabi looks like a male, though we can't be certain yet. There's also a way to differentiate them as chicks, but I'm not familiar with it. I don't mind whether Wasabi is male or female, but males tend to be more chatty and can learn human words more easily. Oz took a long time to get to know us and hasn't learned any human words, so having a chatty bird would be fun.

The decision to get another bird was primarily to ease Oz's boredom and loneliness. My daughter had been asking for a while, but I always said no until recently. Considering Oz's personality, I thought adopting another parakeet might be beneficial.

Oz is easily spooked and still somewhat skeptical of us. She has only recently started taking food from our hands. She enjoys flying around us but flies away if we try to pet her. Additionally, she is a picky eater, avoiding fruit and only eating certain vegetables like lettuce, bok choy, and parsley. Despite offering her a mixture of grains and seeds, she picks out only what she likes.

Oz began developing thin spots on her feathers, possibly due to stress from boredom and loneliness or a lack of nutrition. The short daylight hours during Canadian winters might also be a factor. Her feathers had regrown recently, but they've started thinning again. Aside from that, she seems healthy. I'm hoping that having another parakeet will ease Oz's boredom and loneliness and encourage her to try different foods by imitating Wasabi.

My daughter named the new bird Wasabi. I suggested some names like Matcha, Avocado, Pistachio, and Sprout…but my daughter didn’t like them 🤣

Wasabi is about two months old. He is very calm, unlike Oz, and has a soft, cute chirp compared to Oz's loud one. Wasabi is not afraid of our hands and is very calm around us.

Initially, we kept Wasabi in a separate cage. We were told it could take anywhere from three days to a month for them to get used to each other. However, Oz was so eager to see Wasabi that she wouldn't sit still. On the second morning, we opened the entrances to both cages and placed them side by side. Within 15 minutes, Wasabi was in Oz's cage, sitting next to her. Oz was so happy and excited that she couldn't sit still even more. That sometimes made Wasabi a bit mad but it made Oz even more excited 😆
On the third day, we saw Oz grooming Wasabi. They seemed very content together, a perfect match.

Today marks the fifth day since Wasabi joined our family. We don't know what the future holds, but we'll keep a close and caring eye on them.

Here are more posts about Oz.

New Drawing Buddy

Hi, I‘m Oz!

Pepper & Oz











私もいろいろ考えたのですが、どれも却下されました🤣 抹茶、アボカド、ピスタチオ、スプラウト…









That’s all for today.

Thanks for visiting!




I hope pepper will behave well with her new family, because as far as i know birds and cats are not perfect sibling. : )
nice name for Wasabi color. : 0

Pepper has been very good with Oz for last 2 years. Oz loves Pepper!😆
Pepper loves to sunbathe and look outside by this window. Wasabi doesn’t seem to be bothered by the presence of a cat either.
Pepper is very gentle but she is not allowed in the room when the birds are free in the room 😊

that is a good idea to seperate them when the bird is free, otherwise you can see the feathers only.
Just kidding.

My exact thoughts!

We don't want them to be too friendly 😆
Pepper loves to be in my daughter's room, not because the birds are there, but because it's the warmest room in the house. She spends more time watching the birds frying outside than watching Oz and Wasabi. She has the whole top bunk bed to herself as well 😆 She will meow all day if we lock her out of this room😅

I have seen so many caged bird in the past that belong to my friends or relatives got eaten by a cat. but fingers crossed Pepper will be gentle, and wouldn't snatch the birds.
maybe they have the !LUV around. hehe


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父が鳥が好きな人で、子供の頃からニワトリ、インコ、カナリア、金鶏、クジャクなど…世話の手伝いをしていて…クジャクは怖かったな🤣 今思うと鳥達の部屋(鳥小屋)の方が私の部屋より広かったような😂
キャベツちゃん💕キャベッジくん🤣 芽キャベツ…そう言えばブラッセルも却下されたんだった🤣…ドイツにはこんなに色鮮やかで可愛らしい小鳥がいるんですね~可愛い~

そんなにたくさんの鳥さん達と暮らしてきたなんて、djynnさんの新一面発見 🦜 しかも孔雀だなんて。