My cats share motherhood [ENG-ESP]

in Hive Pets2 months ago

Happy Friday, pet friends!

Tomás is a mom! Sorry if the name confuses you, but at first we thought he was male and then when we realized the mistake he already responded to that name and we didn't want to change it. She doesn't seem to mind.

Tomás will be 2 years old in June, while Blacky will be 8 and coincidentally was also born in June.

In the photo you can see Tomás and Blacky, with the babies. Blacky is Tomás' mother and since she had her kittens he has not left her side and they have been sharing her motherhood.

¡Feliz viernes, amigos de las mascotas!

¡Tomás es mamá! Perdonen si les confunde el nombre, pero es que al principio pensábamos que era macho y después cuando nos dimos cuenta del error ya respondía a ese nombre y no quisimos cambiarlo. A ella no parece molestarle.

Tomás cumplirá 2 años en junio, mientras que Blacky cumplirá 8 y casualmente también nació en junio.

En la foto pueden ver a Tomás y a Blacky, con los bebes. Blacky es la madre de Tomás y desde que esta tuvo a los gatitos no se ha despegado de ella y han estado compartiendo la maternidad.

Apparently Blacky was also expecting babies, but they were not achieved; We don't know exactly what happened, but maybe that's why she's so attached to Tomás's family.

They take turns nursing them, they never leave them alone and they both scare away all the invading cats. The thing is that the patio of the house is large and it is an open space where there are always other cats visiting. We scare them away because they eat our cats' food, but they always invite them. Although now they are thrown out to protect the offspring.

Al parecer Blacky también esperaba bebés, pero no se lograron; no sabemos con exactitud que pasó, pero tal vez por eso está tan apegada a los de Tomás.

Se turnan para amamantarlos, nunca los dejan solos y ambas espantan a todos los gatos invasores. Lo que pasa es que el patio de la casa es grande y es un espacio abierto en el que siempre hay otros gatos de visita. Nosotros los espantamos porque se comen la comida de nuestras gatas, pero ellas siempre los invitan. Aunque ahora los echan para proteger a las crías.

The little ones have already opened their eyes and are beginning to run away, they are very tender and curious. They were born a little over 2 weeks ago, but they are very big.

Los pequeñitos ya abrieron los ojos y se empiezan a escapar, son muy tiernos y curiosos. Nacieron hace poco más de 2 semanas, pero están muy grandes.

I can't be careless because these mothers take advantage of any opportunity to try to get the little ones inside the house; And I understand them, they think that they will be safer inside the house.

We are already making contacts to put them up for adoption as soon as they can eat on their own. You have to start looking for a home for them soon because the days go by very quickly and sometimes the adoption is delayed.

No me puedo descuidar porque estas madres aprovechan cualquier oportunidad para intentar meter a los pequeñitos dentro de la casa; y las entiendo, piensan que dentro de la casa estarán más seguros.

Ya estamos haciendo contactos para darlos en adopción en cuanto coman solitos. Hay que empezar pronto a buscarles hogar porque los días pasan muy rápido y a veces se demora la adopción.

By the way, motherhood makes them hungrier than usual. There are little birds and iguanas here and they always hunt them to eat them, but we also give them their food. The other day we bought sardines for ourselves and they also received their share.

Por cierto, la maternidad las tiene más hambrientas que de costumbre. Aquí hay pajaritos e iguanas y ellas siempre los cazan para comerlos, pero además les damos su comida. El otro día compramos sardinas para nosotros y ellas también recibieron su parte.

They are two cats that behave very well, but when they smell fish, their instincts are stronger. As you can see in the previous photo they were already there waiting. It was the only time they left the kittens alone, but from where they were they could watch them.

Ellas son dos gatas que se portan muy bien, pero cuando huelen el pescado, los instintos son más fuertes. Como pueden ver en la foto anterior ya estaban ahí esperando. Fue el único momento en que dejaron solos a los gatitos, pero desde donde estaban los podían vigilar.

Once they had eaten and I had finished cleaning the fish, they returned to the nursery.

It fills me with great tenderness to see them taking care of their little ones and I hope with all my heart to find a good home for all 3 of them.

Thank you for reading and a hug for you!

Una vez que comieron y que yo terminé de limpiar el pescado, volvieron a la maternidad.

Me llena de mucha ternura verlas cuidar de sus pequeños y espero de todo corazón encontrarles un buen hogar a los 3.

¡Gracias por su lectura y un abrazo para ustedes!

Images of my property taken with Motorola Edge 30 neo phone
Imágenes de mi propiedad tomadas con teléfono Motorola Edge 30 neo


Se ven tan tiernas con sus gatitos 💗

It is very nice to live the motherhood of pets. The name thing usually happens a lot and when a pet responds well to a name, it is better not to change it. I think it is very nice that Blacky helps with motherhood and if for some reason she didn't have her kittens or whatever happened, it is good that she has this opportunity to help her daughter. The kittens are beautiful, best wishes to all of them.