The arrival of the puppies Pit bull // La llegada de los cachorros Pit bull [ENG/ESP]

in Hive Petslast year
Hi. Happy afternoon to all. This is my first time posting on #Hive-Pets. Warm greetings to all the members and participants of this community.

I want to share with you the birth of the puppies that my sister Elia's house pet had.


She is a Pitbull breed dog. It is a potentially dangerous breed of dog. If you get her with a good owner, she can be more sociable, but you still have to be careful with that breed, also, she always stays away from children and when she comes to visit the leash.

She is called Attila


She was given to my 2 month old nephew. But the whole family loves her very much. After 2 years she decided she wanted to have puppies.

They brought her a male and in two days, he managed to mount her and she got pregnant.

She felt fine during her pregnancy, and in the last month she ate very little because the puppies were the normal size for her to give birth. She was very restless and that is why my nephew prepared a space for her to give birth. She went to bed to sleep as usual, but they were already waiting for her. She spent the night well, in the morning she didn't want to eat, she only drank water, maybe her temperature was a little high.

She was licking her vulva a lot. She didn't really take her to the vet. My nephew called a vet friend and he told him it was normal. And he told her to get everything ready because she was due any minute.

And the time came to give birth to the 5 puppies with the help of my nephew and his girlfriend. All the puppies came out well.

She had them in the house. She had no problems. They helped her and one by one they removed the puppies so that the other one could come out.

This was the first one born. She is a female and her name is


This is the second one and we call him


The third one is called


Here we see the fourth one that came out and they called it


And this was the last one that came out and I call it


Of course, these names were said at the time by the niece who served as midwife, to remember the order of the exit of the mother's womb, because she was the one who helped to take out the puppies. She passed them to a sheet and they waited for the other one.

They are already puppies treated with a lot of love. As you can see in this picture

What a tenderness, don't you think?


The mother Attila is exhausted, but she does not stop feeding her cubs and keeping them warm. In total there was one female and 4 males.




Generator G



Hola. Feliz tarde para todos. Es mi primera vez que voy a publicar en #Hive-Pets. Un saludo cordial para todos los integrantes y participantes de esta comunidad.

Quiero compartir con ustedes el nacimiento de los cachorros que tuvo la mascota de la casa de mi hermana Elia.


Es una perra de raza Pitbull. Es una raza de perro calificada potencialmente peligrosa. Si se consigue con un buen amo, puede ser más sociable, pero igual hay que estar atento con esa raza, igualmente, siempre se mantiene alejado de los niños y cuando llega visita la amarra.

Ella se llama Atila


Se la regalaron a mi sobrino de 2 meses. Pero toda la familia la quieren mucho. Después de 2 años decidió quería tener cachorros.

Le trajeron un macho y en dos días, la logro montarla y quedo embarazada.

Se sintió bien durante su embarazo, ya el último mes comió muy poco porque ya los cachorros tenía su tamaño normal para que ella diera a luz. Estuvo muy inquieta y por eso mi sobrino le acondicionó un espacio para que ella diera a luz. Se acostó a dormir como siempre, pero ellos ya estaban pendiente. Paso la noche bien, en la mañana no quiso comer, solo tomaba agua, tal vez la temperatura la tendría un poco alta.

Ella se estaba lamiendo mucho la zona vulva. Realmente no se llevó a veterinario. Mi sobrino llamó a un amigo veterinario y le dijo que era normal. Y le dijo que preparara todo porque en cualquier momento daba a luz.

Y la hora llegó el momento de dar a luz a los 5 cachorros con ayuda del sobrino y su novia. Salieron bien todos los cachorros.

Ella los tuvo en la casa. No tuvo problemas. Si la ayudaron y le iban quitando uno a uno el cachorro para que saliera el otro.

Esta fue la primera que nació. Es una hembra y se llama


Este es el segundo y lo llamamos


El tercero lo llamaron


Aquí vemos al cuarto que salió y lo llamaron


Y este fue el último que salió y lo llamó


Claro, esos nombres los decía al momento la sobrina que sirvió de partera, para recordar el orden de la salida del vientre de la madre, porque ella fue la que ayudo a sacar a los cachorros. Los pasaba para una sábana y esperaban al otro.

Ya son unos cachorros tratados con mucho amor. Como ven en esta fotografía

Qué ternura, ¿no lese parece?


La Madre Atila, esta agotada pero no deja de darle de comer a sus cachorros y a la vez darle calor. En total fue una hembra y 4 machos




Generador G



Ayyy, qué ternurita! Aunque debo admitir que los pitbull's me dan miedo 😣😣
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Attila is a strong pitbull and I am delighted it had all the 5 puppies strong and doing well. I was fearful when you said it does not like children, because I have read that Pitbulls are usually aggressive. Anyway, I am happy the delivery went well and the puppies are receiving much love and attention.

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Hi @fokusnow. Thanks for your comment. I will visit the site you recommend.

Congratulations, such a cute little puppies. 🥹🥰 Wishing them a healthy life. 🤗

Thank you @teacherlynlyn. Amen. May it be so.