[ESP/ENG] La historia de Favorito a traves de mi/ The story of Favorite through my heart

in Hive Pets3 months ago (edited)

Hola queridos hiver quiero comentarles sobre mi soy la mascota de Jocksy y vengo a contarles sobre mi hermosa vida. Mi nombre es Favorito, que nombre verdad, pues antes de nacer en la mente del hijo de mi querida ama, un niño de 3 años, se le ocurrió ese encantador nombre.
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Hello dear Hiver, I want to tell you about myself, I am Jocksy's pet and I come to tell you about my beautiful life. My name is Favorite, what a true name, because before being born in the mind of my dear mistress's son, a 3-year-old boy, he came up with that charming name.

Mi papa se llamaba camilo era vecino de la princess que fue adoptada por la familia H.B, camilo era un vecino vagabundo le encantaba escabullirse y meterse como ladrón en las casas ajenas, un poddel grisaseo de patas cortas. Que ahora que lo pienso bien, no sé bien de donde salí yo, patas largas, y de color beige.

My dad's name was Camilo, he was a neighbor of the princess who was adopted by the H.B. family, Camilo was a vagabond neighbor, he loved to sneak around and get into other people's houses like a thief, a greyish poddel with short legs. Now that I think about it, I don't really know where I came from, long legs, and beige.

La princesa mi mamá era también una poddel patas cortas de color blanco, ella fue adoptada por el hijo cuatro de la familia HB. Princesa sale embarazada y la amita, no sabe qué hacer con tantos cachorros ahora ya tenía suficiente con ella, le toca buscarle un hogar a cada uno éramos 6 peluditos. Ella era tan buena que fue incapaz de botarlos y se empecino en buscarle un hogar a cada uno.

My mom's princess was also a white short-legged poddel, she was adopted by the fourth son of the HB family. The princess gets pregnant and the little girl doesn't know what to do with so many puppies, now she had enough with her, she has to find a home for each of us, there were 6 furry ones. She was so good that she was unable to throw them away and she insisted on finding a home for each one.

Lo que me cuentan de mi nacimiento es que mi mamá tardo como dos días y yo fui el primero en nacer era grande de color marrón claro un beige, todos al vermes se extrañaban porque yo era diferente a mis hermanos. Aquellos eran pequeños unos blancos y otros grises como mi papá.

What they tell me about my birth is that my mother took about two days and I was the first to be born. It was large, light brown or beige in color. Everyone was surprised when they saw me because I was different from my brothers. Those were little ones, some white and some gray like my dad.

Ya con varios días de nacido yo era el más tremendo de mis hermanos y el más grande también, mi amita ya había buscado quién se iba a quedar con cada de los peludos así que decidió regalarme a uno de sus nietos.

Already several days old, I was the biggest of my siblings and the biggest too. My friend had already looked for who was going to keep each of the furry ones, so she decided to give me one of her grandchildren.

Yo estuve esperando unos meses y veía que ese nieto a quien me habían dado en adopción no llegaba a buscarme todos mis hermanos fueron llevados con sus familias pero yo me quedaba con mi mamá y mi amiga, un día llegaron es que vivían en otra ciudad y vinieron a buscarme yo estaba feliz de conocerlos.

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I was waiting for a few months and I saw that the grandson whom they had given me for adoption did not come to pick me up. All my brothers were taken to their families but I stayed with my mother and my friend. One day they arrived, they lived in another city and They came to look for me and I was happy to meet the

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Ellos eran cuatro mi amo que se llama AR tenía 4 añitos y su hermana era una bebita como yo. Pero cuando los llegue a conocer, wuaoo me enamoré de ellos, todos eran muy cariñosos y jugaban mucho conmigo. A los días siguientes empezó mi aventura me fui con ellos a vivir a su casa, Uy pero el trayecto era largo muy largo no veía la hora en que llegará, al llegar note que esa casa era diferente era muy alta subimos por un aparato que solo cabíamos nosotros cinco.

There were four of them. My master, whose name is AR, was 4 years old and his sister was a baby like me. But when I got to know them, wow I fell in love with them, they were all very affectionate and played with me a lot. The following days my adventure began. I went with them to live in their house. Oh, but the journey was long, very long. I didn't see the time when it would arrive. When I arrived, I noticed that the house was different. It was very high. We climbed a device that only there was room for five of us.

Cuando llegue a su casa era más pequeñita pero lo que más me gustó era que tenía muchos juguetes tirados en el piso y podía jugar con todo. Dormía debajo de la cama de la mama de mi amo porq ella me daba cariños y era la que siempre estaba en casa y me atendía y me ponía unas ricas comidas, fue desde ese momento que me di cuenta que Jocksy era mi verdadera compañera. Yo en ocasiones dormía en el mueble me comía los zapatos, bueno eso era porque me dolían las encías y quería morder muchoooo, aunque mis dueños se ponían bravos.

When I got home she was smaller but what I liked most was that she had a lot of toys lying on the floor and she could play with everything. I slept under my master's mother's bed because she loved me and was the one who was always at home and took care of me and gave me delicious meals. It was from that moment that I realized that Jocksy was my true companion. Sometimes I would sleep on the furniture and eat my shoes, well that was because my gums hurt and I wanted to bite a lot, even though my owners got angry.

Con el pasar de los días nos fuimos de ese lugar y nos mudamos a una casa grande allí había tierra, podía ser feliz y correr y jugar con los niños tenían una pelota que me encantaba que me lanzarán, yo saliaaaa esmachetaoooo a buscarla, y ya me sentía que todos ellos eran mi familia en ocasiones la bebita me molestaba porque discutíamos por sus juguetes pero su mami jocksy a penas yo le gruñía la alejaba de mí.

As the days went by, we left that place and moved to a big house. There was land, I could be happy and run and play with the children. They had a ball that I loved that they would throw at me. I went out and looked for it, and now I felt like they were all my family. Sometimes the baby bothered me because we argued over her toys, but her jocksy mom, as soon as I growled at her, I would push her away from me.

Al pasar el tiempo note que esa sería nuestro hogar, porque ya vemos poco a mis padres y hermanos fui creciendo con ellos pero yo era completamente feliz en ocasiones me llevaban a poner corbatín y era todo un galán. Allí conocí a otros amigos perrunos cuando pasaban porque me mantenían en la casa como el guardián.

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As time went by, I noticed that this would be our home, because we rarely visited my parents and siblings, I grew up with them, but I was completely happy. Sometimes they took me to wear a bowtie and I was a real gallant. There I met other dog friends when they passed by because they kept me in the house as the guardian.

Un día tuve que empezar a dormir afuera y no quería porque estaba acostumbrado a dormir debajo de la cama de mis ama Jocksy, pero su esposo me saco, yo por más que tocaba la puerta todas las noches no me abrían gemía y aullaba pero nada no me abrían solo en el día. Así me di cuenta que al pasar los días yo debía ser guardián de su casa pero en el día me dejaban estar con ellos, en muchas oportunidades me llevan a pasear a veces volvemos al lugar donde nací y hasta mi ama va conmigo a buscar a sus hijos en el colegio, yo me emociono tanto al verlo que muevo mi colita rápido.

One day I had to start sleeping outside and I didn't want to because I was used to sleeping under my mistress Jocksy's bed, but her husband took me out, no matter how much I knocked on the door every night they wouldn't open it, I moaned and howled but nothing happened. They opened to me only during the day. This is how I realized that as the days went by I should be the guardian of their house but during the day they let me be with them, on many occasions they take me for a walk, sometimes we return to the place where I was born and even my mistress goes with me to look for her children at school, I get so excited when I see it that I move my tail quickly.

Ya tengo 12 años y todo este tiempo que he vivido con ellos son maravillosos me han tratado muy bien hoy reconozco que tengo 4 amos todos me atienden ya ese nieto quien me puso el nombre es un adolescente que me atiende y me cuida mucho mi ama es a quien yo más amo porque donde ella esta estoy a su lado, igual si va al baño yo con mi olfato la busco hasta encontrarla, últimamente no me he sentido bien, ya estoy un poco ciego, a veces no los identifico, pero si me tocan o los huelo se quiénes son, creo que los años de mi vida se han acortado, quiero decir que mi vida ha sido maravillosa junto a los cuatro.

I am already 12 years old and all this time I have lived with them, they are wonderful, they have treated me very well, today I recognize that I have 4 masters, they all take care of me, and that grandson who gave me my name is a teenager who takes care of me and takes great care of me, my owner is who I love the most because where she is I'm by her side, maybe if she goes to the bathroom I look for her with my sense of smell until I find her, lately I haven't felt well, I'm already a little blind, sometimes I don't identify them, but I do. touch or smell them, I know who they are, I think the years of my life have been shortened, I want to say that my life has been wonderful with the four of them.
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Fotografía por | Photography by: @jocksy,
Translated with | Traducido por https://translate.google.com


Tan bello favorito 💞 parte de la familia

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