Loss of freedom

in Hive Pets11 months ago

Hi Hive Lovers

Behind the fun and satisfaction of humans raising their pets, there are other creatures that are tormented if you keep animals that should live freely in their natural habitat, like this monkey.

I have come across one such monkey that has been kept in a narrow metal cage and is completely unable to move freely. I found it in a resident's house, whose name I cannot mention here.

The "owner" had kept the monkey since it was 5 months old, and the wire cage was all he had to put the monkey in. The monkey looked very unhappy, even though it was playing with the piece of white tissue.

You know, when my eyes meet the monkey's eyes, I have another feeling. The monkey's gaze is like "a blank stare". That monkey has kept deep sadness because of its lost freedom, in my interpretation.

I've taken a few photos of the monkey, and the look in its eyes really says something: "Why did someone lock me up? I also want to live freely."

Look at the monkey's innocent face and look into its eyes. What did you feel when you looked into his eyes?

I have suggested to the owner of the monkey that it be freed, but the man just said nothing. I can't afford to linger there. That monkey's eyes have pierced my feelings as a human being who has feelings, and every animal must have feelings too, right?

Many types of pets can become human friends, as long as they get love from the people who care for them and each pet still gets the freedom to move.

Be wise in choosing the type of animal you will care for!

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