The new cat that wants a home.

in Hive Petslast month

The new cat that wants a home.

Hello friends of this community, cats generally look for food, warmth and security, since life on the streets offers many dangers and challenges for their survival, however, there are also more mystical theories that interpret this phenomenon as a sign of good luck and fortune for the members of a home.

With the kittens that we rescue from the street we always have the same problem and that is that many times we bring them to live at home and we want them to start being cats that have known us all their lives, when that is not the case, these kittens because suddenly we are living on the street and they are in a place that is strange to them.

So we always have to ensure that this adaptation is gradual, it is progressive, and we are not impatient, if you are going to rescue a kitten from the street as is happening in this case, what you have to do is provide it with a room where it can be found. sure.

The room does not have to be very large and it has to have everything the cat needs to live, namely, its resting area, its food and water bowl and also its sandbox, separated in different corners so that in this way The cat has its own environment or begins to have its own environment inside your house.

At first you can even have the door closed because the cat inside will be more or less comfortable, you will be able to go in and out, play for a little while, give it food so that it gets used to your presence, but also during all this time the cat He will be getting used to the noises of the house, the rhythms of the house, the smells of the house, which is very important, and then when you open the door and the cat colonizes the rest of your home, he will be more accustomed to your presence, it is something that you have to work on little by little with the cat.

So, if you decide to help an abandoned cat, you must be patient, he is alone in this world.

Sorry for my English, it is not my main language.


You are so right in what you say, sometimes people rescue cats and think they will adapt overnight. I have rescued cats from the street to find them a family and there are times when they do not even manage to adapt to life in the house and end up escaping again, so it is really difficult to get some cats to adapt, but it is as you say, it is something gradual that takes time and requires patience.

That is why there must be control policies, and that pet owners abide by them, because in the long run it is worse for cats.

Here there are many abandoned when they are born, and that is everyone's problem.

greetings and thanks

You are a kind person and that is a cute cat too 😍

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