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RE: Cats and plants

in Hive Pets • 2 months ago (edited)

Ehhhh, so that plants has that kind of effect on cat 🤔 I didn't know that. Not that we have that kind of plant here, it's just good to know another infor.

Anyways you catto love to be around plants. But yours is still much better because she knows where to sit or saan lang sya pwd. Coz our cat, my gosh, sa tanin na mismo nahiga. Ay lagi nng nasira tanim ng mother ko ay, hahaha. Yong vase tinubuan na ng pusa 😆😆😆


I think any plant will do hahah. Maybe they like the smell? The feeling? I don't know but a lot of times it doesn't really matter what kind of plant it is lol.

Luh grabe naman gusto nya maging halaman din🤣