Meet my MiniPush and learn about my MiniPush's diet

in Hive Pets2 years ago

I feel very fortunate to be at home in the village. Because there are thousands of domesticated animals in the village house. And if you can pet them at your own convenience, they make a great retirement companion. All kinds of domesticated animals are reared with great care in my village house.In this regard, my parents are very careful. Since my childhood I have seen many animals in our house through animal care. We have a small cat at home. And his name is affectionately called Minipush. When I visit my father's village house from my husband's house, I have a great time with Minipush.





So I prefer to stay at my father's house most of the time. To be honest I enjoy spending time with all these animals. I love animals very much. I am still at my father's house. You can see Minipush. And it likes to stay close to me all the time. In the morning the sweet sun shines on the door of my room. And a mat is laid there.




Minipush likes to bask in that sun. This morning my mother made pitha. And I brought that pita if minipush likes to eat then I will try to feed him. My minipush likes to eat our food. Especially likes to eat fish. However, he prefers cooked fish to raw fish. When I sit down to eat, I share the fish and meat on my plate. I have developed a good relationship with Minipush over the years. I take care of my pet as best I can.And always try to take care of him.





Friends I think you also like to pet cats. Also takes care of the cat. Cats do a lot of good in all of our homes. There are many cats that benefit us by eating harmful rodents. Also cats entertain us in our free time. So let's all keep cats as pets to sustain biodiversity and maintain entertainment time with them. Take care of their proper care and food.

Many thanks to all of you for stopping by to visit my blog


I love animals too, they are so cute and good to us. Cats are very cute, in fact they are my favorite and it made me happy to see this post with this cute kitty named MiniPush, cute name, what made you give him that name? Hehe it made me curious.


@wuildariablox thanks for visit my blog and great appreciation.

Amazing post, keep it up ✌😁, honestly i don't like cats, but this one is cute.

@gestex thank you so much


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