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RE: Reading & Research List October 2023

in The Library8 months ago (edited)

There is an evolutionary change occurring that radically changes every equation, every person, every society and institution. In truth, it has already occurred, and we can surf the leading edge of the wave of change, be partly swept along as chance mandates, or bob up and back down as it passes us by. It is a volitional transcendence of our subsumation to society, and in particular our subjugation by institutions, governments, corporations, and think tanks that ordain Delphi consensuses for whole of society, pancultural, global responses and states.

"I don’t know about you but no ‘multinational, multidisciplinary panel of academic, health, NGO and government Experts’ will decide my fate by adoption of this Delphi consensus recommending ‘whole of society’ and ‘whole of government’ approaches."

You note above you have sought knowledge, even wisdom by deep inquisition of information, considerations of subjective and objective reality, and undertaking the latter by stepping outside societal norms in apprising all you have learned to consider it objectively. It would seem you are as prepared for this ongoing evolution away from subsumation and subjugation as you can be.

Throughout history, perhaps long before history began as more than tales told around the fires to become a written record, institutional structures have been imposed on industry that have enabled management. Consequently to being able to manage industry, the purpose of which is to manage resources, both feeding industrial production and arising from it, diversion, parasitization for the aggrandizement of management, became possible. Ever since, the wealth and power of overlords has increased, and they today consume the lion's share of our production.

We are subsumed in collective industries and receive for our participation taxable wages, which taxes government agents dole out to whomever bribes them the hardest, so we can buy necessary goods and services, from which our overlords, the business owners, corporate investors, capitalists, take profits from our purchase of goods and services. From their management of the resources we make available to them they support armed gangs of thugs, who ensure we are subjugated to our overlords.

Over the weekend Hamas has resisted their subjugation to Israel, but it seems pretty obvious despite their amazing success at winning battles over military checkpoints, outposts, and stations, that the armies of their overlords will subjugate them to Israeli overlords again. Subjugation seems insurmountable today, when a people of millions cannot seem to free themselves from nuclear armed states, how can we?

We can step away from collective industry today, while still attaining modern goods and services. Modern technology provides vastly improved means of production than scratching lines in dirt to grow food. Aquaponics is quite simple and I have seen a couple produce great excess in their apartment with a wall of sunny windows and lights, from 3 2000 gallon tanks of tilapia that produced far more than they needed. A 55 gal barrel of catfish is more than enough for one person. Inkjet printers enable us to print our own solar panels, LEDs, circuits, with graphene based inks on recycled PET from beverage containers. In March 2023 Terran 1, the first 3D printed spacecraft, was launched by Relativity Space. 3D printers that use pastes, like clay, cement, and chocolate, are today available in inexpensive entry level models, as well as Bambu Labs X1 Carbon that can use dozens of different colors and materials to make stuff of polymers. Solar and wind, hydro, geothermal, and wood gas too, are all suitable for individual production of power, to make electricity. We can print drugs, houses, and flying cars today with local resources in our homes.

We don't need permission. We don't have to buy our goods and services from overlords and pay them a profit, or earn wages that are taxed to have fiat money to buy stuff with. All these technologies are arising just as AI, complex algorithms that can be trained to produce specific outputs (not remotely potential of sentience, BTW) and applied to managing these means of production for us. All these independent means of production can be automated, so we don't have to understand electrical engineering or be certified nutritionists to produce cell phones or dinner. Of course, none of that automating has yet been undertaken. We will have to work out how to integrate these decentralized means of production to automatically provide the goods and services to create the level of felicity, of the blessings of civilization, we require, and that's no mean or small task.

But neither is it a mean or small result. Terran 1 proves the radical evolution decentralization is, because it was a spacecraft. The sky isn't just the limit of human endeavor anymore. The sky is just the beginning. The transcendence of collective industry, of subsumation in society, able only to go along with the herd, of subjugation, being only able to comply with the orders of meatsacks with guns projecting force for overlords, is a new paradigm, a clinal boundary beyond which lies utter freedom, inconceivable wealth, and whatever paradise we decide is.

The technology is already in the wild. We just have to adopt it, and adapt it to our specific purposes, to deploy a new infrastructure for a new kind of voluntarist society.

If your remark I quoted above is accurate, you should be moving to adopt the means of production suitable to your personal circumstances, so you can create the future you want for yourself.



It is a volitional transcendence of our subsumation to society, and in particular our subjugation by institutions, governments, corporations, and think tanks that ordain Delphi consensuses for whole of society, pancultural, global responses and states.

Gosh you hit the bullseye there. You really summed it up beautifully and I'm very grateful for this insight.

It would seem you are as prepared for this ongoing evolution away from subsumation and subjugation as you can be.

Yes I think so. I understand today's machinations and can reverse engineer its origins back to a source. But I haven't discovered how to unveil the purpose of this knowledge. And I do not yet have the wisdom for translating and packaging it into a format which emancipates allusion-bound humankind.

Posts like yours nudge me along to continue the efforts. The fact you express positivity, futures of untethered potentiality that can redeem us is a great remoralization.

The technology is already in the wild. We just have to adopt it, and adapt it to our specific purposes, to deploy a new infrastructure for a new kind of voluntarist society.

Yes, yes I think I know what technology it is which awaits me to adopt it. The utility of Large Language Models, Natural Language Processing and computational power of A.I entices me towards a new threshold where ideas and understandings can suddenly transcend my physical limitations.

If your remark I quoted above is accurate, you should be moving to adopt the means of production suitable to your personal circumstances, so you can create the future you want for yourself.

Yes I will. In one aspect, I already have. Invested in an uber-nerdly resource recently which I'm utterly enthralled with.

Bless ye for ye thoughtful, most appreciated replies Friend!!!