A Bittersweet Memory That Made Me Who I Am Today

in Indiaunited26 days ago

My best childhood memory is not a joyous one at all. It's a sad one, but I guess if I didn't have that memory, I wouldn't be where I am today, so I think that's why it made it to my list of best childhood memories. Time and time again, I've shared my experiences related to this, and that's to show you how much it would be almost impossible to forget that childhood experience.

I was only four years old then; it was a beautiful Sunday, and we all woke up and prepared for worship. I can't remember everything well, but I knew we went to church that day, and when we got back, Mom prepared something delicious for lunch. That night, while I was sleeping, I had a very long dream; it felt so real. I was scared, so when I woke up, the first thing I went to check was if my mom and dad were at home. Seeing them at home that morning, I became relieved, and I just didn't care much about the dream I had.

It was Monday morning, time for school! My mom dressed us up and asked my aunt to take us to school since she was also a teacher at the school. At that point, it felt like déjà vu, but sadly, it wasn't; I guess as a child, I just didn't want to agree with everything that was happening or was about to happen. That morning, I was just too uncomfortable at school and unusually quiet, but no one really cared; I didn't care. Since my aunt was a teacher at the school, we had to go back home late. When we got home, we couldn't find my mom, so we asked the neighbors if they saw her, and they said they saw her leaving a few hours after we left for school.

While we were still trying to figure out where my mom went, my dad came back from work. He was looking a bit tired and stressed, but the moment he heard that my mom had left, he became so restless and sad. I was just somewhere, trying to process all that was happening, and it was at that point I realized that everything happening was what I saw in my dream the past night. I became more worried because, in my dream, my dad got hurt. I was still little, so what I said wasn't going to hold any weight, so I just stayed where I was, looking at everything happening and still comparing it with what I saw in my dream.

After a few minutes of pacing around, my dad said he was going to my grandma's place to look for my mom. My grandma's place was quite far from our place, but my dad insisted on driving his motorcycle to the village. At that point, according to my dream, my dad would get into an accident, but I couldn't make him change his mind about not going to look for his children's mother. My dad asked my aunt to hold me back so I don't keep stopping him, and then he drove off. I was so worried, and it wasn't even up to 30 minutes after my dad left, and we saw him coming back, almost leaping. I wasn't so surprised because I already knew it was because he got into an accident while riding unfocused.

The story was long, like I said, and in the end, literally every single thing that I saw in my dream happened on that Monday! I was not happy, but I was a child, so I easily let go of what had happened, but I knew at that point my mom had left us. After that experience, a lot of things became really difficult for my dad, and it affected us in every way you can think of. The more I grew older, the more I realized how much my dad had gone through just for my siblings and me. He always cared for us so much that we never felt like my mom left.

The more I think about that day, the more I'm reminded that I just have to do my best in everything I find myself doing because my dad deserves so much for what he did for my siblings and me. My dad became an inspiration for me to just want to do well every single time so I can get the opportunity to repay his love and support towards us.

Looking at the lady I've grown to be, I'm so proud of the fact that my dad didn't let his guards down but took care of us as much as he could, and that's why I am where I am today. I was sad at first that all those sad things happened to us in just one day, but looking back from today, I'm so grateful for that day because it turned out to make my life beautiful and more worth living.

This is my response to the IndiaUnited topic suggested on "MY BEST CHILDHOOD MEMORY."

All Images used are mine


Congratulations, you received an ecency upvote through the curator @sahi1. Keep spreading love through ecency

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Being a single parent isn't easy, especially when it's got to do with the father, they'd be forced to perform the mother's duties, I don't know but I think women find it easier than men..

Sorry you lost your mom at that tender age, glad you've grown to be an amazing woman🥰🥰

Yeah it is a lot harder for fathers but my dad was indeed amazing.

My mom is still alive oo, just in case you thought I meant she died. She just left our home for reasons best known to her.

Thank you so much for the beautiful compliment you my dad

This is really touching.
I got emotional reading this story.
That childhood experience of course contributed to your growth today.
In everything, we give thanks to the almighty.

Yeah, I’m so grateful to how he turned everything for the better for me and my family 🫠.

Thank you so much for stopping by 🤗

Oh wow, having dreams that end up becoming a reality is a chilling experience, especially when you realize that such is going to happen and you can't do anything about it.

Good to read that this experience molded you into who you are today, in a good way and instilled in you the desire to be better in all aspects of life. I'll say the experience was a blessing in disguise :)

Yeah, it was indeed a blessing in disguise. Life happens to us but sometimes we only see the worst in everything but then we will definitely understand it better by and by 🫠.

It’s a pleasure having you stop by, thank you so much 🥰

Right, I think that's how we're wired, to see the worst more(or first) before seeing the best of any situation.

You're most welcome!

That’s right 🫠

Wow, this is interesting and touching to read. Indeed, you have grown to be a woman of your life, and thank God for your Dad, who took over the responsibility of caring for you and your siblings. And, do well to repay him.

Thank you for sharing with us.

Thank you so much for the advice, I’d keep it in mind ❤️

This is so sad to read :(
I know you were so little but thinking about it now, do you think there was my tangible reason why she left?
I can only imagine the struggle your dad went through raising you and your siblings all by himself.
I hope you grew strong and just fine.
You look like one that can withstand any storm.
Beautiful lady!

Well, I’m still not sure why she left because she has yet told us why she did and somehow I’m not interested if she doesn’t want to tell us herself. I’m just glad my dad didn’t abandon us too 🫠.

I’m not sure if I can withstand all storms but I’m always willing to try ☺️.

Thank you so much for stopping by and for your thoughtful comment 🌹

Oh that's sad!

But it's okay, thank God for you dad, may God continue to keep and strengthen your family.

Amen 🥰
Thank you so much for your best wishes ❤️

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You had a premonition, but as a kid, no one would listen to you.

What happened was sad, but your dad stood up to the challenge and everything turned out well.

Yeah, I’m glad he did 🥰.

Thank you so much for your contribution 😊

Honestly, i read this post days ago but for some reason I wasn’t able to leave a comment, most times i do this probably because i have a lot of things to say and there is no time, your bittersweet memory is actually a bittersweet experience my dear, but one thing I know is that there is always a reason for everything, i actually notice dad was almost everything you talk about when we talk, i knew the bond you shared with you dad was indeed a special one, your dad really brought you guys well, he is indeed a great father and i see why you always want to be the best in everything you do, let me tell you my dear, you have indeed succeeded at making daddy and mummy proud, cos you have indeed been brought up in the best way possible, your lifestyle is that which anyone and everyone would want to inculcate, this is indeed a blessing in disguise my dear, your dad was indeed a father and a mother to you, i am well pleased and proud, kudos to him for good job well done… even if it was sad at first, the blessings attached to it was what made it sweeter my dear, we are proud and i pray you never stop smiling dear… nice one yue’r and see you soon…

I couldn’t stop smiling while reading and replying to this beautiful comment Foxy 🥹. Thank you so much for stopping by and saying these things 🥰

Ywlc my dear 🥰😂💙