5 Simple Yoga Poses I love and Why

Yoga has been around for a very long time and I have been practicing yoga for a while now. I am now comfortable doing many postures and at the same time learning and getting my postures right for too many other asanas (postures). Although no where near being an expert, I have a few favorites' and here it is and incorporate in my every day yoga routine.

Shoulder Stand
The shoulder stand, also known as Sarvangasana, is one of my favorite yoga poses. The shoulder stand comes pretty naturally to me, and it is something I absolutely do as a part of my cooling off before shavasana (corpse pose). Well, most of my favourite postures are cooling off postures.
This pose helps to promote blood circulation in the body, strengthens the arms and shoulders, and improves digestion.
Shoulder stand can be challenging for beginners, but with practice, it can be easily mastered.
Avoid this pose if you have neck or back problems.

Plough Pose
The plough pose, known as Halasana, is another great pose that I love. This pose helps to stretch the entire spine, shoulders, and hamstrings. This pose also improves digestion and helps to calm the mind.
It is important to not force your body into this pose and to listen to your body's limitations.

If you are a beginner, this pose may look intimidating and when you are just getting started, you may need a block under your hips for support.
Why I love this pose: This was a challenge for me initially when I started off. And now that I can, so why not. And I continue to do the Halasana every time I am on the mat, for 30 seconds atleast.

Bridge Pose
The bridge pose, also known as Setu Bandhasana, is another great pose that I incorporate into my yoga practice. It helps strengthen the back, glutes, and legs while also improving digestion and at the same time reducing stress. If there is one pose that I think that has helped me, I think it is the bridge pose.

Why I love this pose: It is the variations and advanced postures of this pose I enjoy the most. I feel strong in this pose.
Best to avoid this pose if you have neck or shoulder aches and pains.

Tree Pose
Tree pose, also known as Vrksasana, is a balancing pose that helps to improve concentration. This pose strengthens the legs and core while also improving balance and posture. The secret to getting the balance right is to stay focused on a point in front of you. Breathe slow and don’t hold your breath.
If you are just starting out and cannot balance, start off with your toes on the floor.
Why I love this pose: It keeps me centred and lets me instantly if my mind is wandering off. It gives me a couple of minutes of staying committed to my focal point.

Child Pose
Also known as Balasana, is the perfect pose for relaxation and somehow refreshing. The pose stretches the hips, thighs, and ankles. It is very calming and also a pose that many use to relieve and let go of stress. Great for beginners, but if you are trying it for the first time, then it may take time to get the pose right. Don’t force your body into the stretch and use blocks, books or pillow and rest your head on it, until you finally can place your forehead on the mat.
Why I love this pose: It is very calming and it is super easy once you get the hang of it.

If you are a beginner or have advanced ahead, some asanas can be intimidating to start, but with practice and dedication, anyone can master yoga poses, all it takes is consistency and time. Give yourself time and keep coming back to the yoga mat everyday or regularly.

Thank you for reading.

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Photos Credit:
Photo by Mor Shani on Unsplash
Photo by Nikola Murniece on Unsplash
Photo by Nikola Murniece on Unsplash
Photo by Alexandra Tran on Unsplash


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Thank you for your post @keechadkikali. I love yoga too. I love the shoulder stand, plow, bridge, tree, and childs pose! I want to work on the shoulder stand a lot more. I also want to do more vinyasa yoga too. Thanks for the reminder about how wonderful yoga is! Barb !BBH !CTP

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