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in Indiaunited2 months ago


After another hospitalization due to complications with heart surgery, I returned home. I want to thank my friends who are making donations here in Brazil for their gestures of solidarity. My PIX 85987291500

For donations send hive @pataty69




The funds are intended to install safety bars in the bathroom, purchase a shower chair, purchase a folding chair for a hospital companion, and an orthopedic mattress for those bedridden.

Após novo internamento por complicações com a cirurgia ao coração já regressei a casa.
Quero agradecer os gestos de solidariedade aos meus amigos que estão fazendo doações aqui no Brasil
Meu PIX 85987291500

Para doações enviar hive @pataty69

As verbas se destinam a colocar barras de segurança no banheiro, aquisição de cadeira de banho, aquisição de cadeira desdobravel de acompanhante hospitalar, e colchão ortopédico para acamado.

![]() Gif by [@aleister]( All photos by @pataty69


If you would like to delegate to @pataty69 curator you can do so by clicking on the following links: 50HP, 100HP, 250HP, 500HP, 1000HP, 2,000HP, 5000HP. Be sure to leave at least 50HP undelegated on your account.

Gif by @doze


glad to know you are home, get well soon. take care sir.

Glad to hear you are home, I hope the complication wasn't too serious. Rest up and feel better!

Ótima Recuperação tu é um guerreiro!

Desejo uma ótima recuperação!
QUe não perce as forças e nem a vontade de estar presente na HIVE!

pataty69, crazyphantombr sent you LUV. 🙂 (1/10) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx.

Glad you're home again!
Hope your revalidation will go well!

Obrigado por promover a comunidade Hive-BR em suas postagens.

Vamos seguir fortalecendo a Hive

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Vote no @perfilbrasil para Testemunha Hive.

Your post was manually curated by @CrazyPhantomBR.

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Olá meu amigo...
passaram-se dias sem postagens suas, como está indo a recuperação?
Ficamos na torcida!

pataty69, crazyphantombr sent you LUV. 🙂 (2/10) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx.

Obrigado pela preocupação, já estou em casa me recuperando mas vai demorar meses

So happy to hear you made it through and is recovering. I hope all goes well.

I wanted to ask whether you will still be active on Hive since I see you powered down almost 100% of your HP holdings?

Take care.

Hi I Will be active as I recover from my heart surgery.
I Power down as I need for pay surgery and medical Care.