My Hive Goals. #iucontest round 04.

in Indiaunitedlast month (edited)

Good day wonderful people of the #indiaunited community. This is my entry the #iucontest round 4. You can join the #iucontest through this link

My goals on hive blockchain is dependent on those factors that I consider priority to me. I know that hive is a crypto platform and as such every crypto environment has priorities that determine success on it. Putting this in my mind, my pursuit on the platform also depends on that.

Another factor is what I have come to discover about the platform which drags my interest and appeals to me. What I see others do that give them the kind of results here that I convert myself to will also affect my goals.

Building A Viable Blog

Hive is a blockchain. It is composed of blogs and communities. That concept makes hive an ecosystem whose progress depends on active engagement.
Considering this, my first goal is to be an active member of any community I belong to. I will interact with other people’s contents by reading, upvoting and commenting on their works. I want to make this my life style on hive. I will make more friends by interacting with their contents. I have already made it my principle to read contents of credible authors make comments on their posts.

I want to have a blog which is a one stop center for most people visiting hive. I will achieve this goal by publishing posts and contents on a daily basis. I want to make at least three seasoned publications on my blog every day and leave at least 20 comments on other people’s posts daily.


Like I said earlier, hive is a crypto platform. Crypto platforms operate by staking of tokens. My next goal is to have a sizeable stake of my token. I want to hive power and Leo so that my growth can accelerate. My goal is to have my hive power (HP) increase at an average of 100HP monthly at this my early stage. And then progress to 200HP monthly as I grow in the blockchain. I want to achieve this goal be staying active to earn more hive and stake them on a daily and weekly basis.

These are my immediate goals on hive. I am presently working towards actualizing them. Thank you for your time in reading my blog.


This post has been manually curated by @pravesh0 from Indiaunited community. Join us on our Discord Server.

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Three publications might be a bit exhausting, especially in the long run but good luck with your goals.