A Stump Remains

in Scholar and Scribelast year


A stump remains,
Roots buried deep,
Remembering the pain
Of a chains biting teeth.
Once tall and proud,
Split crown and vibrant leaf,
Tumbled to the ground
To lay 'neath booted feet.
A moment of silence,
As the sun sets in the west,
For this fallen giant,
Now laid to its rest.

Fitting there's none to be had for me,
This wielder of saws,
This slayer of trees,
More work to be done,
To build home, and be free!


 last year  

@stickupboys the hat is still going strong 😉


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@wrestlingdesires(7/15) tipped @dibblers.dabs
dibblers.dabs tipped wrestlingdesires

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Your building site is spectacular :) Are you going to use the logs for lumber?


This post has been manually curated by the VYB curation project

 last year  

I will use the logs for firewood and some interior finish, and for various other projects, but they won't be used much in the main building! !PIZZA !PIMP

You must be killin' it out here!
@dibblers.dabs just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @wrestlingdesires.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/2 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

Is it going to be a cabin?


You must be killin' it out here!
@wrestlingdesires just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @dibblers.dabs.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/1 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District