Your Expectation.

In our whispered dreams, hope exists.
We long and await,
The fulfillment of our heart desires.
But reality swoops in,
With its harsh tones,
Shattering our dreams, hopes and expectations.
Possibilities stands far away,
As we are sucked into the waves of disappointment.
Then our expectations don't bloom.
Giving up starts to look like the best option.
Don't let your own expectations hurt you.
Don't let it bind you.
For Its chain weighs heavy,
Leaving pain behind.
Don't let it define you.
Sometimes just holding yourself together is what you need.
The situation you thought would bring you down didn't.
You remained standing.
Expect less from everything,
But expect more from yourself.
By this, you control what you can do.
You control what you can have.
You control what you can let go.
Your expectation doesn't define your worth.
Your worth is defined by your ability to adapt,
Learn and grow.
Invest in yourself,
Pour into yourself.
With this, your expectations bring your dreams to life.

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Some very beautiful verses of reflection. In life we ​​walk with our dreams and illusions, fighting with thousands of obstacles and problems that test our decision to fight for what we want.

Thanks for sharing your poem.
Happy Thursday.