⭐✍️ SCRIBE SPOTLIGHT πŸ‘πŸŽ‰ esther-emmanuel β˜•β™ŸοΈπŸ₯Š

in Scholar and Scribe β€’ 6 months ago (edited)

Fellow Scholars and Scribes! I bid you welcome to the second annual SCRIBE SPOTLIGHT! πŸ™Œ mosh pit ensues πŸ™Œ

Each year we take a month to celebrate and commemorate our most diligent and talented authors. πŸ•Ί

Criteria for being chosen:
Your staked Scribe; your activity in the community; the number of writings you have posted; as well as your overall conduct with other members.

All quotes in this showcase are from the spotlighted creator's works.

Our spotlight authors will receive 4 HSBI, 500 Ecency Points and 175 Pizza tokens as a token of the mod team's gratitude for their presence in the Scholar and Scribe community.

Our first spotlight is on a long-standing author in the Hive ecosystem, and one I am proud to call a member of this community. It is an author who takes her work very seriously, and one that has shown marked improvement in her work over the years. Guys, gals, and non-binary pals, I present to you... πŸ₯πŸ₯πŸ₯

πŸ‘ esther-emmanuel πŸ‘

@esther-emmanuel has been with us from the beginning. A diligent Scholar to loves to read anything and everything. And a talented Scribe who has dazzled us with her amazing writing more times than one person can count. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

As a Scribe, she is not afraid to embrace the darkness in the human heart, and the amazing stories it brings out in all of us. She is no stranger to writing fantastical, crime dramas and paranormal action pieces alike. As a Scholar, her passion for the craft is unmistakable. It's always a pleasure to see someone appreciate other people's work as much as they do their own. 😌

The emojis chosen above were not random. Esther's diverse habits compliment her diverse taste in stories. It is only natural that someone with such a rich spirit writes with a force that can be felt reverberating off every paragraph. πŸ’―


The story I linked above is ongoing, thrilling, and dark. Very dark in places. Which suits me just fine. 😁 I might be projecting here, but I feel Esther understands that we can only see the light when we're in darkness. "The glimmer of stars can only show up at night." Or however that saying went. There is no greater thing to write about than the conflict of the human heart war with itself.

And now for an exert from 'The Awakening.'

Right before my eyes, after they confined me to a chair with my hands and legs cuffed to it, I watched as my two boys and beautiful daughter were brutally tortured to motivate Jackson to return the money back. I looked into Jackson's eyes and all I saw was an innocent man who didn't take the money. We both begged for the torture to stop and our lives be spared but our plea fell on deaf ears.

Another twisted tale is Boot Print. Linking the final part here because it has all the others linked inside. But this is another gripping story where Esther's characteristic style is on full display. Spoiling anything would be a disservice to the amazing plot she weaves, so I'll just leave you with this excerpt.

Peter took the letter from her, tore it open to see its content and after reading, his hands began to shake. He then folded the letter into a small shape, pocketed it, and asked Sofia to pack a "getaway bag" so they could leave their apartment immediately.

@esther-emmanuel's penmanship is unmistakable. I believe she is only now coming into her own as an author, and I cannot fathom the heights she will reach if she keeps improving at her craft. I wish her luck on her journey, and I am happy and honored she has decided to share some of it with us here. 😊

Other Scribe Spotlights

About the Scholar and Scribe Community

Scholar and Scribe is a creative writing community founded in the forges of Hive's passionate Pizza Guild. It sets itself apart from some of the other writing groups on Hive with its unique dual-token system.

Thank you for reading this Scribe Spotlight!

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Thank you so much, @grocko and the entire moderator team of this community for the kind words. This was unexpected! I'm honoured to be included in your amazing spotlight. I'm happy to be a part of this community and will keep improving on my skill. Also, I appreciate all your support and encouragement.

Thanks again and have a Merry Christmas!

It was our pleasure! Marry Christmas to you as well. πŸ˜€

Β 6 months agoΒ (edited)Β 

I must commend you.

They said a whole lot of good about you and your writes.
Keep it up, let me be learning from you from afar


I am proud of you mum...

Hey @esther-emmanuel! Congrats on your spotlight. It's well deserved! You're an imaginative writer and your stories are a joy to read. I love that you know how to combine suspense and action to keep your readers on the edge of their seats. Keep sharpening your writing skills. We look forward to reading more of your stories. πŸ’–

Well done, @grocko. A well-written and fine summary of Ms Esther's literary works. !PIMP

@kemmyb thank you for your kind words. I also look forward to sharing more of my stories in this community. Thank you for your encouragement as always.

You must be killin' it out here!
@kemmyb just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @grocko.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/1 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

Yay! πŸ€—
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Thank you so much

Thank you so much☺️

Thank you ❀

Thank ya πŸ˜‰

Thanks so much Amber ❀️

Thank you

Thank you ma

Our very own @esther-emmanuel Fantastic choice, @grocko She is a treasure!I'm going to have to go take a little ride on the dark side now to see what she has in store for us!

I found this post featured on Dreemport! πŸ’—


I appreciate your kind words @samsmith1971 . Thank you 😊

Β 6 months agoΒ (edited)Β 

Brilliant Spotlight post here man, it's a really cool initiative you have here to get some eyes on the writers of this community!

I don't think I've come across Esther before, but from the quoted work you included here, and how you described it, it sounds great and will be well worth checking out!


You must be killin' it out here!
@killerwot just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @grocko.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/1 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

Aw man @killerwot, you are out of PIMP to slap people.
Go Stake some more and increase your PIMP power.
(We will not send this error message for 24 hours).


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

Awww man, you gotta read Esther's stuff. She is delightfully grim. 😁

Great work @esther-emmanuel! Thank you for bringing your skills to our community :)

Thank you @jfuji I'm happy to be a part of this community and to contribute my skills.

Well done to you @esther-emmanuel. As you know, I'm your biggest hype woman. Your stories are always looked forward to by me. So I don't think there's anyone more deserving. You rock ma'am. And to you, @grocko. Thanks for highlighting this amazing talent.πŸ€—


Yes you are! You have always been supportive. I appreciate your kind words. Thank you so much 😊

Awesome spotlight and she has some great work, as you say can she can be dark at times, which is interesting for me as it is not something I write!

#dreemerforlife popped in today and look forward to the next spotlight.

Well done on the Scribe Spotlight... that's amazing!


Congratulations πŸ₯³πŸ₯³

@aussieninja you are the lucky winner of 100 Dreem Tokens for participating in Dreemport’s Bounty.



That's amazing! Thank you so much! Wow!!!

I am happy for you. Keep Dreeming ❀️

Thanks for bringing her into the spotlight. All you have described are true of her. I have known her too for years and she is a very diligent and determined lady.
Congratulations @esther-emmanuel.Wishing you more recognition and the very best on hive.

I appreciate your kind words. Thank you so much! 😊

My pleasure.

Congratulations @esther-emmanuel for your creative works πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰
Just reading from the excerpts from "The Awakening and Boot Print", I can tell how interesting they are, it felt like a movie was playing in my imagination. Well done πŸ‘πŸ‘

Hopefully, someday, I get to write like this and publish in the Scholars and Scribe Community. You are an inspiration. Thank you ❀️

Popped in from dreemport, being a #dreemerforlife

I'm glad you found them interesting. Thank you for your kind words and of cause if you start now, we would all read your wonderful stories.

You're most welcome. I'm glad to know this.

Congratulations on your spotlight. More wins in the future.

Got here through #dreemport

Congratulations, @esther-emmanuel.
Though I'm not a regular on Scholar and Scribe, I will visit regularly now to read your write-ups.

I totally agree that you are an amazing writer Esther, after taking a glimpse at two of your stories which were recommended above.
Your writing skills are superb and I believe you will rise higher than that.
Congrats on being spotlighted in the community and merry christmas in advance πŸ₯³.


Thank you for your kind words. I appreciate it. 😊

The way you brilliantly appreciated @esther-emmanuel goes a long way. It is super nice feeling appreciated, and watching your story resonate with others. And you are right, as so she is. We do need darkness to truly see the light. Thanks for your sweet words to her.

Hello dearest fashionable dreemer. Happy new day. Tuesday is here again with its musical world, and I hope you are ready to embrace it. Don't forget to have a good day because you deserve it. You are a gem! I waltzed in from #dreemport, for I am an amazing #dreemer. An awesomely made #dreemerforlife.

Congratulations @esther-emmanuel you are doing great.

I don’t really think I have read your stories but I will be sure to follow and check it out. They look so amazing.


I hope when you check out my stories you enjoy them. Thank you!

Congratulations to you @esther_emmanuel. You re truly talented, please keep up the good work. Like @grocko said, you are on your way to becoming your own author and I believe that soon the world will celebrate you more. Keep dazzling even in this dark world.

I popped in from #dreemport. I am a #dreemerforlife

Thank you so much!

Congratulations @esther-emmanuel you are indeed a wonderful writer and I must say you deserve the win☺️


Thank you.

I must say, this is really a nice way to give love and sense of belonging to members of the community.

@esther-emmanuel kudos for standing out πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰


Thank you!

You deserve this spotlight @esther-emmanuel
Keep being amazing with your wonderful writing and stories.
Congratultons sis.

Thank you sis!

I'm trying to recall what community I first read you, @esther-emmanuel. I think it was in MoviesandTv, but am not quite sure. You're good, girl.
Your choice of words, style of writing and the ability to convey in simple terms yet able to captivate your reader are just amazing.
You do a fine job and I commend you.


Movies & TV that, you are right hehe. Thank you!

Congratulations to the spotlighted @esther-emmanuel. I guess it took diligence and hard work on your part, it's very encouraging! More wins to you!


Thank you so much!

Oooh no I missed this... I really wanted to participate and I ended up forgetting. Anyway congratulations to the authors...


Congratulations on being in the spotlight. More wins to you.


Congratulations! ^_^
You deserve the spotlight for being diligent.

I have known @esther-emmanuel for quite a while now, I have been on her post several times and I know what she is capable of and what she is good at, this is not a joke, I know she is the best at what she does, every merit attached to her name is what she truly deserves, she is a great author and I am happy she was recognized for her outstanding contribution to the growth of S&S community, great job mum, I am proud of you and I am happy for you…

Thank you 😊

Congratulations to you @esther-emmanuel, keep up the good work.


Thank you so much!

This community is really a great one and I really admire the writers on here. I'd love to join the community though, but still trying to understand how it works well.

#dreemport #dreemerforlife

Having read the whole thing here I must commend you ,you truly deserve it


You are an example for all of us to follow, congratulations ma, please keep it up..

Thank you

I commend your effort @esther-emmanuel for this great work and also for putting much effort into this community. #dreemerforlife

Thank you so much

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My Essie girl! hehehe I'm so proud of you!!! Congratulations on being featured as the first of the S&S Scribe of the Year mentions heheh Grocko did an amazing job hyping up your stories - and I'm gonna head over to read some today! hehehe Love you dearly!!!

Thank you so muchπŸ€—! Heheh I was stoked with @grocko post! He did an awesome job.

YOU did a fabulous job !!!!

@esther-emmanuel tagging her just in case she didn't see this. πŸ™‚