The Unreal Reality

in Scholar and Scribelast year (edited)

“The real world is not the fairytale you read in books sweetheart.”
“I don’t understand Mommy.” My daughter stared starry-eyed at me.
“The real world doesn't have the happy endings you see in movies. The villain doesn’t always die. Justice doesn’t always prevail. Good doesn’t always triumph."
“What happens in the real world then, Mommy?”
"In the real world, everyday is a struggle. You fight and you hope and you pray, but you may just be the victim at the end of the day."
"I don't like that."
Hugging her tightly, I said. "Me neither my love. Me neither."


There's not much to this story. Many of us grew up with certain beliefs, maybe because of the books we read or the movies we watched. That there will always be a happy ending because that's how it should be. Good constantly being ahead of evil. But many of us sooner or later realize that the reality is far from that. We hope and we trust and we believe. And many times good does triumph. Make no mistake because it reall does. But it's quite rare indeed. And that's the unreal reality we have to live with.

This is my entry to DREEM-WOTW.

All images are mine.


Everyday is indeed a struggle. Struggle for survival, struggle to be relevant.

Aargh, this killed me, Tessa 😭😭😭... so incredibly sad... an expression of such futility, despair, and surrender. I prefer to pray and surrender to God. I hope you are having a blessed Sunday, my sweets 💗🙏 And that you got to do some things just for yourself that you enjoy. Much love


Thank you for participating in dreem-wotw.

I dropped in from Dreemport this evening. #dreemer for life

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Much love from here as well Sam. I hope you're doing alright and I'm glad you loved the story. I tried to write something light but it just came out this way. But it's a reminder to me that there's actually someone looking out for me. Sending !luv and hugs.🤗

This is the unreal reality of the world. Good doesn't always win in the end. It's more complex than how it is protrayed in movies. Great piece :)

I remember when I used to think the world was all cupcakes and rainbows and everything happened just like it was in movies.

The real world is so difficult, the endless heartbreak, the pain. Sometimes we just want to skip to the part where it's all perfect but that's just the sad part.
Where is perfect?

I don't like the real world either but we don't really have a choice do we?

Where is perfect?

That's the question. We want to skip to the best part but what if there isn't a best part? Sad thought.
We don't really have a choice but we'll make it work. That's for sure.

Lovely short story and so true of the real world. The reality of the real world is quiet different from movies. Sometimes that reality is hard to face for some or they know the reality but cannot handle it.

Yeah, we live in self-denial most of the time. Inability to accept the reality right in front of us. It's wonderful that you resonate with this.🌸

Yes this story resonates and daily I see how true it is. Many will have their eyes open but are sleepwalking.

True. Thank you for stopping by.🤗

There's truly more to it. The real world isn't a fairy tale. It is filled with ups and downs and you don't know which you are getting.

You don't know it at all. A labyrinth of complexities, that's what it is. is life

This is thought-provoking. Yes. The real world isn't as rosy or simple as we often believe. It is full of scenes we sometimes can never understand. It isn't always a happy ending for many. Some also get away with everything. It is all so puzzling that you could lose your mind trying to understand the real world. No wonder they say that life is stranger than fiction.

Life is strange and a lot more complicated than fiction, that's for sure. I'm quite happy that you found this post to resonate with. I appreciate how thoughtful your comment was.

It was such a pleasure.

Quite true, the world is not as it seems

Very lovely piece

Thank you so much. I appreciate it.

Yay! 🤗
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Simple but unique. I must comend your use of phrases too.

Thank you.... I'm glad you liked it.

#thestruggleisreal Well we do have a big ability to mould our own endings though. Sitting on our arses moaning sure as heck does not get rid of the baddies from the fairy tale!

True. No one likes moaning anyways...

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