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RE: Three life lessons

Hello @bipolar95. Your mindset was indeed the disease harboring all then negative thoughts and the weight of an unhealthy relationship you were carrying alone. Your friends' advice was spot on for each situation. This advice was also the external cure you needed when you took that advice and looked inward to the causes.

One thing I want to point out. Whenever we chase dreams that are not ours, but others, we always end up miserable. What family, friends, and acquaintances have accumulated in their lives is THEIRS. Stop looking over the fence for greener grass. Be content with the color of your own or sow positive seeds to enrich your life while living within your means. This is advice my mom told me.

Lovely and thoughtful story of your ventures through life. Thanks for sharing. Take care.


Your mom sounds a lot like mine 🥰❤️. I appreciate you for coming through and thank you for your motivating words 😘🌹