Humanity | Humanidad. Poema [Eng/Esp]

in Scholar and Scribe6 months ago (edited)

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There are those who take care of their humanity,
They make it something valuable,
They carry it with dignity,
of the true not of the reactive,
those stand out among the many,
there are those who endure it,
They live with their ups and downs,
with their hopes and despairs,
pending of other people's lives,
more than one's own,
They are the majority of humans,
who live without pain or glory,
There are those who definitely suffer from it,
They don't know what to do with it,
They are too big,
like clothes that don't fit her,
They walk like clowns in the circus,
and they always make fools of themselves,
the last ones on the list,
They just don't deserve it
rats must have been born,
or those cockroaches that make you sick,
but someone was wrong,
and he made them human,
maybe I'm the wrong one,
and within each one there is everything that exists,
the different ways of being or not being,
the infinite ways or possibilities,
of living humanity.



Hay quienes cuidan su humanidad,
lo hacen como algo valioso,
la llevan con dignidad,
de la verdadera no de la reactiva,
esos destacan entre los muchos,
hay quienes la sobrellevan,
viven con sus altos y bajos,
con sus esperanzas y desesperanzas,
pendientes de la vida ajena,
más que de la propia,
son la mayoría de los humanos,
que viven sin pena ni gloria,
hay quienes definitivamente la padecen,
no saben qué hacer con ella,
les queda demasiado grande,
como ropa que no es de su talla,
caminan cual payasos en el circo,
y hacen siempre el ridículo,
los últimos de la lista,
simplemente no la merecen,
debieron haber nacido ratas,
o cucarachas de esas que dan grima,
pero alguien se equivocó,
y los hizo humanos,
quizás el errado soy yo,
y dentro de cada uno hay todo lo que existe,
las distintas maneras de ser o no ser,
los infinitos modos o posibilidades,
de vivir la humanidad.



¡¡¡ Gracias por leer y apoyar !!!



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