Learning whilst filming

in Home Edders2 years ago

I spent some quality time with my lad filming some more videos for his YouTube channel T-Man Adventures!


He loves filming and presenting like this, and he always takes something new away from the experience.
I made an effort on this occasion to not intervene in any way.
I just setup and left him to it, to talk about exactly what he wanted in the way he wanted to, without any suggestions from me.

It seemed to work out much better that way with no stress.

We did a cheap and cheerful setup in my office.

It took us about an hour from setup, to recording, to packing down. Unusually quick I must say.

I set up two cameras, two lights and a mic - to film him talking about his Goo Jit Zu toy collection.

What are Goo Jit Zu’s?

He’s obsessed with Goo Jit Zu’s, the latest toy craze that he loves to collect and play with.


They are gooey/stretchy zoo animal creatures that now have special powers once they were over taken with potent and mysterious alien goo. (Ooooh! Mystery goo!)

He got this one (below) for Christmas!


They’re very similar to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles I guess… normal turtles who came in to contact with green nuclear slime… and hey presto… became all powerful mutants!

Hang on, they both sound remarkably similar in theme 🤔😂

I used to love TMNT when I was a kid, loving the animated TV show and all the figures/merch that went with it.
So with these I can see the appeal for young kids.
They feed their imaginations and encourage creative play.


The main purpose of filming was for him to show his collection to his YouTube audience (and friends); to explain their names and what each figure does.
He did a great job and memorised what the best things to do were from the last bit of filming we did.

We also did this fun comic style effect with the figurines in front of cool backgrounds on the iMac! (Below)
We had so much fun laughing our asses off saying really ridiculous things.


Filming for confidence

I’d thoroughly recommend filming like this for kids.
It really helped my lad open up far more than he would with new people. He’s discovered the distinctions between the ‘on camera’ self and his true self. He knows deep down that there is a performance going on, but he lets some of his best personal traits shine through. Traits like joke telling, timing, consideration of his vocabulary and thinking before he talks etc.

I want to have this episode edited for release on New Years Day!


It’s been months since we last released a video so I think it would be special to have a fresh start for him and kick off 2022 how we mean to go on.

Cheers for reading and happy New Year’s Eve!


How nice are these kind of moments, I personally am very shy in the cameras or in the videos, but I think he will know how to show everything he knows and what he likes about his collection! Happy new year to both of you!

Cheers dude! It’s a great experience for all I’d say.

I generally think your boy made a massive progress recently with opening up even towards me, I would say in the last 6 months what makes me super happy! I will never forget the hug from Willow when we visited you for the first time in the new house. Keep up! It's a fabulous activity man! Happy New Year x

That means a lot, She loves you!
T really has connected with you and trusts you in a big way. He doesn’t do that with everyone. You pay attention to him and about the things he cares about - which others don’t take the time to do. Same with Matt.

You are good people ❤️

Ahhh, no way! Blue screen as well! I can’t wait to watch!!

It wasn’t intended as a blue screen, but now you say it it could work like that too!

Oh, is it not actually one? It looks like it 😅. In theory is should work as it’s all one colour

Yeah it’s a blue backdrop at my office but it’s not used as a chroma key screen. We’ve got a green one for that.
However the blue was the most convenient as it was the first roll to pull down 😂

But yeah it will still work to key out the background I reckon. I added a purposeful vignette to the lighting so it’s not evenly lit across the screen. I’ll try it out though 😀

oh man, my heart. That is so cool! You're part of the fun cool dad brigade 🙌 teaching your son valuable life skills whilst having fun. Tell your son: Bravo young man. Those are neat slimey characters.

Is it a public link? I'd love to see him in action if it is. I'm sure he held his own and bossed it like his dad!

btw, I managed to get a post into the Inkwell community for their prompt this week off the back of recommendations from my intro post! So 2nd post done. Yay!

Take care @ashtv. I'll pop my head in again soon to say hi.

I'm impressed.

Is he generally quiet off screen? It's interesting how having that different persona can help with communication and confidence. I recall an old friend of my daughter's who was always very quiet, but an amazing performer with her dance on stage.

I must have anime on the brain, because when I first read Goo Jit Zu I thought it was going to be something related to Dragonball, Goku and Vegeta. Not that I know it other than what my daughter keeps telling me as if I should know all about it.

@tipu curate

Yeah, he’s changed a lot over the last year. I think lockdown has made him/helped him grow up. Plus he’s at an age now where there are big developments across the board.

Interesting about your friends daughter. Sounds like a similar story here.

He used to be very very shy around new people and have meltdowns in situations where he didn’t feel like he was in control and people were ‘looking at him’ (even though they weren’t)
These videos really helped him gain confidence, without a doubt. Not only skills of being on camera and opening up.
But also about being proud of his work and owning it.
It keeps him excited. Plus is has helped him regulate and think about his behaviour in general.
He understands the ‘language’ of TV and YouTube really well.

Cheers for the comment @minismallholding :)

Goo Jit Zu’s - we’re always meant to be immediate experts on toys and crazes aren’t we! Haha

But also about being proud of his work and owning it.

That's fantastic. I'm not sure I'm always able to do that, even! When kids can teach adults a thing or two, it's not a bad thing. 🙂

This is exactly one of my dreams for my son and I hope it will become a reality soon. Greetings from the Philippines!

I hope you manage to make it a reality!

This is a great preparation for new year can't wait for you to release the video on new year. Am sure the setup will make your office beautiful. Memorising is not a easy thing.

Looking like it won’t be ready for New Year’s Day, but it will hopefully be tomorrow!
Good time are being had. Cheers for the comment :)

Kind of been in suspense a bit because I was not able to see the face of the young fellow you are filming

😆 builds the drama, eh!

Yay! 🤗
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Nice job! The more you film the better and more confident you become.

Yeah absolutely! It’s a good general experience for everyone. A great confidence booster if you hit your stride.

Cheers for the comment!

Wow, I really want this for my son as well. Nice one