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RE: White Chocolate Pretzels and The Art of Critical Thinking

in Home Edders4 months ago

I love her shirt first of all haha we need more common sense stuff like that!

I enjoy that she’s the go to resource for this for your MIL. Great for her! She gets a challenge and solves it, deliciously I might add.

It’s so important to teach and help kids with critical thinking skills! I know we need more of that in the world and I have faith in the kids we are raising. The petulant adult-children that we see freaking out on videos and calling people names for disagreeing with them - those are the minority and they will be handled accordingly. The more we raise our kids in a way that promotes critical thinking, reason, freedom and appreciation of others but also respect for how society functions - the better we will be overall. As I said I have faith we can turn this ship around and head in the right direction!


@cmplxty - Thanks for interacting with my post and for the positive feedback. I am glad that all of my kiddos are learning their areas of expertise within the family.

I agree we have the ability (and the responsibility) to impact this generation and the generations to come. But we must equip our children to do the same. When we are gone, they need to value critical thinking, reason, freedom, and charity towards others.

Again, thanks for stopping by!