Blogging To Save. The Time I Felt Really Happy

in Home Edders5 months ago

Hello, everyone! This is Ryle of the @divinekids. I am 8 years old. My sister, @itsgabbie already moved to her personal account so I will still try to write here.

This year I want to save up for a laptop this is why I'm doing blog. I will try to write everyday. Keyword: "try". I don't think I will do it often. Mommy @arrliinn will still help me.


Today , she asked me about the time that I felt really happy.

That is why I write about the fireworks last New Year.

We went to the fireworks. It was so fun, but the fireworks were so loud that I was vibrating.

I could not see the fireworks because there were so many people so my daddy carried me on his shoulders. I was about to fall!


It felt really weird because of the vibrations and stuff but it was also fun that it was worth it going there.


That's it for today. I am tired. I hope you support my blog.

Oh, the pictures were taken by my mom. Next time, I will try to take my own pictures for my blog.



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What a lovely post, Ryle! Saving to buy a laptop sounds cool to me! I'm sure you'll manage to achieve this goal! Keep going, little man!

Thank you so much!

You're welcome!

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