Happiness in a Pill

in Home Edders2 months ago

As I sit here musing at this small bottle of pills I can't help but wonder why on earth we need natural dopamine when we can buy a happy hormone in a bottle, and apparently feel pleasure, satisfaction and happiness all from this magic pill!

Rewarding as it may seem its benefits are limited in my opinion because seriously our bodies need dopamine, serotonin, endorphins, and oxytocin. Does all that come in a tiny pill? I don't think so.


The human body is amazing considering we came out of the Big Bang.... or did we! Now there is another thing called Creation. I believe in Creation simply because I can. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and basically anyone can believe that happiness comes in a bottle 😂

Where does happiness come from?
What makes us happy?
How do we gauge happiness?
Why does happiness improve our health?

Those are all questions you could explore with your children. Routine makes some children happy in their homeschooling journey while other children suffer miserably from the same routine each day. What makes those children happy, how can you as a parent achieve this?

Consider exercise, dietary changes, meditation or prayer. Any of those can improve our moods and create a happier and more harmonious environment. Animals often make us happy too. A dog can soothe a distressing child for example or make an adult smile and feel good while working.


As homeschooling parents we can get depressed with the amount of unnecessary paperwork we may have to do for the local authorities to prove we are doing a good job teaching our children. We often get frustrated, confused, disappointed or upset when our children don't perform to our standard... and there goes our happy hormone flying right out the door!

Don't reach for supplements that promise and promote happiness! Go outside, take a walk, listen to happy music, eat a healthy salad. Get those children outside and enjoy the grass under your bare feet. Look up at the sky, feel the warmth of the sun, embrace the icy cold wind and feel the crisp cold air on your face.

Enjoy life! Embrace living!

Homeschooling is just that! Living like royalty, enjoying the freedom of your kingdom. No matter where you live, no matter if you are poor or rich. You've got this! The rich worry about their money, the poor worry about the money. What makes you rich and sets you apart from the rest is that your children are happy, healthy, educated and well adjusted.

Happiness does not come in a bottle. Happy pills are a bandaid solution. Children are a treasure and whatever you contribute to that treasure will increase your and your children's happiness. You are their inspiration, their world! Parenting is challenging and you're always giving. You are a source of unlimited knowledge and authority in your child’s life while they're young. You are their tower of strength.

So don't despair if today doesn't go as planned. Tomorrow is another day with new opportunities and experiences. Reach for your inner strength and find those dopamine, serotonin, endorphins, and oxytocin within your body and radiate your happiness onto your children.


Fresh air and the ocean make me happy right now. Where is your happy place?

Picture 'happy hormones' taken from:

Photos and write up is my own work.


I recall taking our girls out to the park to play as a family when my husband lost his job and we were worried for the future. It was a good reset and reminder of priorities in life. We could still have fun and be happy, as long as we had each other.

That's great that you found purpose again in life. Sometimes things go not as planned but that too will pass. Kids are a blessing and they make us smile, laugh, cry or upset. We love them and one day they will grow up and realise what parents did for them. Kids make our hormones go crazy especially for us mums and our bodies protest, go out of shape, refuse to function or certain body parts stop working all together. No matter what comes our way.... rejoice and be happy. It doesn't come from a supplement bottle but from the heart.

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