Hive Daily Mix - Trending - 2023-11-28

The first AI powered recap of the best trending posts on PeakD and Hive, brought to you by the @peakd team :)

November 28

A game that inspires even the little ones at home: Holozing [En/Es] - by @lisbatista
Original language: English, Spanish
The author introduces the game Holozing and highlights its unique aspects and impressive creators. They share how their younger sister, Lianna Maria, who is 8 years old and a fan of games like Pokemon, was inspired by the game's characters and created beautiful drawings. The author expresses gratitude to the Holozing team, @blind-spot, and @hivecuba. The post concludes with a request to share the post and join the community.

A Look at The Hive Debt | Data On HIVE/HBD Supply, Historical Debt, HBD Performance | Nov 2023 - by @dalz
This post provides an analysis of the Hive debt, including data on HIVE/HBD supply, historical debt, and HBD performance. It discusses the calculation of the debt and explores various factors that affect it. The post also includes charts and comparisons related to the debt, market cap, HBD supply, debt support price, and HBD prices. The analysis concludes that the debt is currently at 6.2% in November 2023 and that HBD holders are cautious about maintaining the peg. It also provides a table showing the expected HBD on-chain price based on different debt levels.

SPS Price is moving Upward... - by @alokkumar121
The SPS token price is experiencing upward momentum due to the announcement of lands in the Splinterlands game.

Italy, clouds, and mental health all have this in common... - by @serene-hime
This post is an introduction to the author's new blog on Hive, where they plan to share their life experiences, with a focus on mental health. They also mention their love for clouds, nature, K-Pop, and movies, as well as their passion for writing.

杂七杂八 - by @oflyhigh
Original language: Chinese
This post discusses the author's child getting sick multiple times with various viruses, and reflects on the impact of the current pandemic on education goals.

Celebrating National Children's Month | Sharing and Spending with Them - by @iamgagz09
Celebrating National Children's Month by giving slippers to children and lecturing parents on child protection

🪖🐌 The Snail Tank 🐌 🪖 - by @trumpman
The post discusses the unique characteristics of Xenophora, a genus of marine snails known for attaching objects to their shells.

Crypto cults - by @lordbutterfly
The post discusses the presence of cult-like behavior in the cryptocurrency community, highlighting examples such as Scientology and Bitcoin Maximalism. It also mentions the HEX community as a potential cult and shares personal experiences of people leaving Hive to join HEX.

Take a slice for me; OFW celebrates birthday. Officially, my life has started. - by @asiaymalay
The post is about the author celebrating their 40th birthday as an overseas Filipino worker (OFW) and reflecting on their experiences.

Pens and Planners - by @hiddenblade
The post discusses the author's love for colorful pens, planners, and stationery, and how it reminds them of their joyful childhood. They express their excitement for using planners and notebooks for organizing their thoughts and daily activities.

Capturing the Mesmerizing Moon's Radiant Glow - by @rhianmaker
The post is about the author's fascination with the moon and their experience capturing its beauty through photographs.


Thank you very much for including the post among so many quality ones! ❤️