Painting For Damian

in #hive-enginelast month


Only Look at This When Drinking 2018. Acrylic on poplar board, 96 x 48"

There are just a few patrons of the arts in my little town. Damian is one of them. We have an understanding. I ask to be paid one silver dollar for each painting he desires, and he makes sure to stop at the pawn shop before arriving to the studio. He picks out a painting, pays me my silver dollar, and we sit out back and sip moonshine bourbon to seal the deal.
It took me a few years to convince him to play my game. I also had to convince him not to give me money for this 8 foot long painting he “commissioned” me to make for the front piece of the bar he was building for his party room.
Damian is an artist of life, a unique human being whom I shall elaborate on in a future post.


What an exciting piece, is this the one on the bar of the party room?
I can imagine people staring at all night while drinking, trying to make sense of it ^^
There is so much to find!

Yes it is. Thank you!
This is a picture of Damian in front of the piece:)

Wow, it’s huge!
Oh, and the glass too ^^

Damian is a character!