Witnessing The Violence Of BLOCK Division - Disengaging Non-Violently

in #hive3 years ago (edited)

I'm here to announce a reshuffling and to provide a commentary as to why I am effectively downvoting certain Hive Witnesses by removing them from my 30. I write this also as a courtesy towards the Humans behind the Witnessing Servers who may or may not wish to gain an idea as to what lies behind my decision to do this.

I'd also like this post to convey acknowledgement and appreciation, as well as thanks, for the work that these Witnesses have done for Hive - which would not be what it is without them. I would also like to thank one of them in particular for a number of upvotes over the years - you will know who you are!

This mayn't be a popular post but that is not my concern. It's not easy for me either and I'm not out to jack myself beneath anyone's boots, nor to shit in my own backyard. Both may be possible outcomes but if so, so-be-it. There is no intent to provoke, fight or complain - I choose my words carefully in order to reflect my personal opinions and feelings. Overall I am comfy with the decision I am sharing here, inscribed as it is in immutable BLOCKs on Hive.



Whatever REAL may really consist of, my Reality feels uncomfortable when I express in words and actions that which feels as if it's moving towards greater separation. I am responsible only for myself: what I say, do and think - how I impact Life with my Expression, regardless of how large or small the apparent Impact may be. Within this Expression of Self there will either be movement towards Oneness/Harmony/Unity or there will be movement away from it - i.e. towards even greater separation/division than what is currently being experienced.

The upshot of this is that I no longer wish to support - even indirectly - actions that I feel move towards greater fragmentation of the Human Spirit, towards greater separation and division. This includes in great part the issue of what I see as punitive, malicious, supercilious, vindictive, manipulative or simply unnecessary patterns of downvoting certain users and certain types of content on the Hive blockchain, most notably but not exclusively, content which challenges the COVID narrative.

I don't doubt that some of those taking part in such actions are acting in good faith and perceive themselves as sincere in their general outlook and intentions. There are those who see what they are doing as being for the benefit of Hive; others seem to enjoy being part of a 'Police Force' and yet others seem to get kicks out of pouncing, predator-esque. I have exchanged thoughts with some of the actors and I have read a number of posts and followed a great many comments/discussions/arguments around the issue of downvoting in all its many nuances and splendours. I have also openly lurked in one of the Discord servers: neutrally observing movements in the public outer rooms. I do not say or imply that all downvoting types and folks are the same in terms of motivation or execution but they do appear - at a certain level - to sing from related and similar-looking songsheets. I am not bringing in Good vs Bad, nor am I discussing the pros and cons of hitch-hiking one's way around this CHAIN. I'm also not trying to change anyone's mind and I am not really talking about d/votes to remove plagiarised content and vote farming.

Adding yet another element to the above, a number of folk I know/like/follow are also being targeted with BIG downvotes and downvoting campaigns, including comments. Most of them in some way challenge the COVID narrative. Some of them also have sharp tongues but one also needs to acknowledge that they have had to endure much labelling and name-calling, not to mention being on the receiving end of multiple d/v assaults, some in echelon. Skins are only so thick I guess - on either side of this ideological fence! In any case, I do not wish to support the punitive d/vote campaigns and dubiously-reasoned moves to ostracise these folk. Many alternative thinkers have already been hounded out of town and others have their bags packed and seem ready to leave. There is not much discourse and dialogue which bridges the divide and positions are becoming ever more entrenched. I find this state of affairs disheartening but also, sadly, unsurprising. The magic that once jumped out to me from every BLOCK is now barely perceptible.

I have read many 'reasons' and justifications for the various types of downvotes. I have browsed blogs in order to try and understand different perspectives on the matter. On the whole, I would describe a lot of the actions I allude to as misguided at the very least, but I guess the same or similar might just as easily be claimed of me and my beliefs - THIS is the reason for everyone to DYOR ! Axioms have not been negotiated - the various inhabited worlds seem to be drifting further and further apart, interlocutors circular in argument and parallel - divergent even, in language and meaning. Such I guess is the nature of Polarisation and it ain't a pretty sight for my peepers much as I may accept its role in transformation!

I do not condemn folk for what they say or do. I understand that the Being is not the action nor the expression. But there are actions and expressions on this BLOCK that I do not wish to support any longer and this is my statement of disengagement.

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Post Benefits

I will receive no financial benefits from this post as a quick glance under the button will reveal. I'm not courting trouble - do what you will with your vote and, if you wish, tell me about it - but anyone voting either way might usefully be aware of the following:

  • I have set peakD as 30% ben. They have nothing (AFAIK) to do with the issues here, and I still have them as Witness. I'm simply taking an opportunity to say thanks.
  • 10% each goes to 7 different 'actors' in this drama. I wouldn't read too much into the selection! I had initially wanted to get 15 users @ 5% each but there's a max of 8 slots available and well, peakD can get an additional 5% innit. "...but, but Barge WHY the FAAAAAK not send rewards to the folk who've been on the receiving end of d/votes instead of to alreadyFatWallets?" one may ask...and ask...and ask.
  • To all recipients: please accept in good faith if able, it's yours to do whachaWantWith.
  • To all voters: please vote in awareness of the above and with good wishes to the recipients if poss (if anathema, consider considering #3 here). This goes for the upvotes obviously, but feel free to d/v with smilies and in good faith too if you feel it.

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Hey Barge, are you trying to get folk to not downvote you? Sucking up to them huh....iz dat eet?
No my friend, not trying to do anything in particular except mebbe express myself clearly. If this post gets eyeballed some, all it'll do for me in a material sense is pump or dump my rep. Sure, this may also get me taken off lists and put on others. Who knows what punishments and hellfire-showers await those who sit on the fringes and speak their minds to those who may be confused or intoxicated by BLOCK FORCE + POWER? - us, the 'irrelevant' - and anywayz, I can't control any of that shit. What I can do is make a simple demonstration against the often-made claim that 'it's all about the money and only ever is'. I can also redistribute rewards as a GIFT to folk on the other side of an imaginary line that feels so damn Real in a gesture that - as they say in the East - adds some innocuous and light-hearted Mirch & Masala to the equation of what/how to vote :). This para might also answer that question that may have been asked and asked above.

I hope I have been able to convey that this is not an attack on anyone: neither directly nor indirectly! It's also not personal to anyone other than my own lil' Mista Jiminy Cricket Conscience.

Thanks for reading anyhooo, it's off my chest now!
@barge 🙏

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Wider Context

I have written on the general matter before - in more depth, greater outline yet possibly even less detail:

The following posts, and especially the comments sections, give a good amount of background context to the subject matter mentioned/implied/discussed in this post. A lot of different views are represented from across the spectrum of this issue. I suspect many more opinions are languishing in silence for fear of conflict, reprisals and retaliations.
















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Quoting Myself In A Final Message

Thing is folks, we are in this together. Like it or not! Regardless of POV and positioning on - for example - the spectrum of 'pandemic' vs 'pLandemic', the issue affects us all. In this particular example, one spectrum of polarity seems to be something along the lines of:


1. Humanity faces an existential threat like never before! We must all adhere to officially proclaimed, expert-led guidelines in order to survive. Those that do not, or refuse to comply, potentially threaten everyone's survival by their non-compliance. Information which challenges or purports to dispute official claims/the 'accepted' view is mis/dis-information. This information is dangerous, in part at least because folk could be lulled into a false sense of security and underestimate the danger posed by the existential threat. The Science is pretty much settled on this and in any case, we are in a Global Emergency requiring unprecedented action, even if that means curtailing what were once held up as unassailable Human Rights. We need to pull through this together and this will only really happen if we all act in the unison of conformity to officially agreed and advised action. Any notion of a 'conspiracy' behind the global pandemic is as outrageous as it is ridiculous!


2. The above is a heavily controlled and manipulated narrative propagated by powerful vested interests which have been hard at work on an agenda to control humanity for at least a century, if not longer. Many global and trans-national govt. and non-govt. bodies and organisations; BIGpharma, BIGoil, the military-industrial complex and the vast majority of politicians and social influencers - are already under the control of these interests. Far-out as this may seem, there is ample evidence for the above claims although the bigger picture does take a while to emerge through the cracks in our conditioned consciousness (if curious, please enquire in the comments and I or someone will provide some links to explore if possible). The current global situation is a planned-pandemic: a 'pLandemic'. The visibility of information supporting this is being suppressed by the very interests that are pushing the narrative of Fear. Counter-information is currently mainly to be found on alternative sources (one of which is Hive :). If Folk were able to have free access the full spectrum of available information, they would be able to make up their own minds. They may be shocked and surprised at what they learn and this is often an incentive to stop researching further for fear of what one might find out. However, we need to explore for ourselves - each individually - if we are to wake up to the multiple LIEs that are so big they can sit pretty in plain sight in spite of all the evidence. A tsunami of manufactured fear and division leading to loss of liberty, even loss of humanity, is the threat we face collectively. These are big statements and they are being increasingly repeated the world over by many people who just a few years ago would be considered 'establishment' figures and not 'nuts' for having chosen to speak out. What if there is something to all this after all? Might it be worth a wee investigation with an open mind?

Many labelled 'Conspiracy Theorists' have, actually, through the course of life's experiences, moved from positions akin to 1 above, to position 2. I am certainly one such who has made that shift. I refuse to see ABSOLUTE divisions - everything is in flux and this changes constantly with understanding and perception. I acknowledge that the TIMES are such that sitting on the fence feels sharp and uncomfortable and there seem to be fewer places to hide one's head in the sand. Either side of that fence appears to be populated by extreme voices that seem to drown out the VAST areas of overlap that exist between ALL shades and variants of human thought and existence, both on and off the fence.

Divisions are like boxes - they confine, separate and insulate. We are the overlap, we are the 99% and all that Jazz. We are the unbounded ones with Power though we may choose to give it away. Regardless of any this's and thats, we are in this shit together - CHECKED AND VERIFIED FACT ✅.....right?


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Regardless of other considerations, I am unvoting some Hive witnesses for actions that appear to be lockstep in synch with moves in the world-at-large to supress and deny information that challenges and overturns the COVID narrative as well as to persecute/punish/silence/cancel those that ask the questions and reveal Counter Narratives. To my mind, FEAR, pseudo-logic and fake-science are being used to deceive large parts of the global Human population into accepting extremely dubious medical procedures as well as vast, sweeping, unprecedented and utterly detrimental changes to the basic fabric of how Life is lived. This also manifests as on-chain-polarisation, which is a thing - positions are taken; negotiators are running out of energy and puff; shots are fired, villages are obliterated for the crime of wrongthink and vigilantes and gangsters roam these BLOCKS. Some of the top witnesses seem on board with this general picture which also deems those users on Hive who challenge the COVID narrative as being overrewarded for posting dangerous nonsense, thereby justifying the downvote hunts and campaigns. I disagree - this view does not represent my way of seeing things and I do not support it! The nature of the larger game - the stakes - makes this more than a simple, basic difference of opinion and one which demands a stance on my part: I do not want to vote for my own slavery; remaining silent and apathetic on this issue is not pleasant for I also feel an affinity with those on the receiving end even if I myself have not been targeted.



You speak great words! Thank you very much for such wisdom!


Cheers Wooda 🙏




Interesting. I just keep seeing more people with this problem.

Posted using Dapplr

It's being brought out of the shadows in a (truly) decentralised manner :)

Hey my friend @barge, I hope you are doing well lately.

Thank you kindly for sharing your perspective on this matter, and doing so in a non accusatory/non aggressive manner.

It seems, from my perspective, as deeply as I can comprehend the aspects of all of this, that there could be unwitting persons involved who may not have motives to hurt or be abusive to others.

There could be aspects of coercion or bullying with some, and it is difficult to know all of the layers which exist behind closed doors.

In my younger years I always felt immediate rage and anger towards any and all persons involved with something which may be construed as abusive to others, but as I've gained some wisdom in life, I feel a deep empathy and sympathy for those who may act out aggressively.

Much of my insight with this has been through my own struggles with anger and aggression, as someone who was abused and bullied as a child, and have been able to see, through life experience how these experiences perpetuate a manifestation of the very behaviors which caused the damage in the first place.

It becomes even more clear when some who act out aggressively are also some of the kindest and loving people much of the time. In some ways it might seem as perplexing to some, but it is a gift as I see it, to be able to experience and recognize trauma for what it is. This might be a contestable statement to some, but trauma for me, has given me the greatest insight and wisdom in life to share with others, and with this insight and wisdom comes a choice. The choice to give love to others and deal with traumatic memories in my own ways, or the choice to allow the Demons ALL in the mind to take over, or realize PAIN is born of past trauma, renewed through repeat experiences, and NOT allow the Suffering to be kept alive by FEAR of the Repeat...

I suppose it all comes down to choice. - a CHOICE of which to avail oneself!

I respect your decisions and support them fully.

My action is inaction. I will vote certain witness for now, leaving mostly empty slots and will vote witnesses that I think are not involved with abusive voting patterns, wittingly or unwittingly so. That doesn't mean certain witnesses might not get my vote again in the future if things change.

Much love to you my friend.

Hey brother thanks for sharing your perspective on this and pulling up some fungi quotes :D

It's certainly interesting to consider that bullying in general (ie the act of abusing another) is an acting out of abuse that the bully may have suffered in the past. I defo subscribe to this and consider that actions (including thoughts and spoken/written words) that trigger pain and suffering in others are a form of projection outwards of the pain/suffering that is inside (and has not been attended to in a healthy manner that might heal the wound).

Control(-ling others) seems to fit in here too - sometimes it appears as a justification for the bullying. Thus the temptation to police and bring about 'order' as a way of obtaining control (power?). When force is used which could otherwise also appear as bullying, this may be justified through appeal to consensus of the 'greater good'.

Adept 'players' of the 'game' may of course resort to sophisticated yet disingenuous arguments which justify the use of force (bullying); these adepts appear to be conscious of playing a role and tend to get less caught up emotional storms. Less adept 'players' tend to identify greatly with the role and thus also to get caught up in emotional exchanges.

Behind the role is Being, and there is found LovingKindness....totally agree bro, it's a fine awareness to maintain: that there IS Being behind Action and that any given action is but an expression of the moment (action is not 'Being'). In a different role and place, this LovingKindness likely shines through like a MOFO :)

I too have lived a life under the shadow of anger/rage and unconsciously acting out my suffering by inflicting chunks of it on others. I'm grateful to have started to wake up from the nightmare that that was the only possible way of living; that I had to control in order to get!

I've been listening to Viktor Frankl's experiences through WWII death camps - the enormous suffering at so many different levels, yet, in the end and in the beginning and through it all - he sez - the meaning to life is nothing other than Love! Pretty fucking incredible and, as I'm sure we agree, so fucking true :D


I don't doubt that some of those taking part in such actions are acting in good faith and perceive themselves as sincere in their general outlook and intentions. There are those who see what they are doing as being for the benefit of Hive; others seem to enjoy being part of a 'Police Force' and yet others seem to get kicks out of pouncing, predator-esque.

Well stated.

first they came for the "flat-earthers", and i did not speak out - because the planet is obviously an oblate-spheroid...

then they came for the "conspiracy-theorists", and i did not speak out - because i really don't stick my neck out for "lunatics"

then they came for the "pro-VOLUNTARY-vaxxers", and i did not speak out - because i generally like to "stay out of politics" generally

by the time they came for the independent-minded-free-thinking-skeptics, there was nobody left - are you kidding me ? those free-thinkers never join anything or listen to anyone !!! - they're super easy to pick-off one by one.




manipulated narrative propagated by powerful vested interests which have been hard at work on an agenda to control humanity for at least a century, if not longer. Many global and trans-national govt. and non-govt. bodies and organisations; BIGpharma, BIGoil, the military-industrial complex and the vast majority of politicians and social influencers - are already under the control of these interests.

"Thing is man... Most of these 'people' you walk up to on the streets... They aint even in charge of their Own Minds"