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RE: Do the DHF funded developers justify their funding?

in #hive7 months ago

Something that is close to our hearts in the Man Cave. I am no developer so like you I wouldn't know what is a fair sum, versus what is a ridiculous sum, however it's a point often discussed in our discord as to what the DHF is being used for and if anyone is holding them to account for the work that they do.

This is something that is sorely lacking. A system that would hold whoever makes a DHF proposal to the work they said they would do and the expenses they said they would incur, and it definitely should not be something that is for profit, in the sense that a proposal pays them a salary for doing it.

I don't like the current system I will say, but I'm just one voice in a thousand so I remain silent on the issue.

But I will say anything that I have built I've done it with our own funds, and I absolutely refuse to make a proposal because I know how easy it can be to just put things off to the next day when I'm not being held accountable for anything.

So I'd support something like this with any means necessary. Even if it's just adding our brofi upvote to the list for any work done investigating.