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RE: Do the DHF funded developers justify their funding?

in #hive7 months ago

Great post! I'm disappointed that there aren't more devs speaking up in the comments. That of course makes it appear like they are silently acknowledging that the system is corrupt and they don't want light shone on it, so they will ignore the post and hope the questions go away.

My take is the DHF does fund good stuff. But it also funds a lot of junk. In the latter it more resembles Kickstarter, where so many projects once they receive funding will simply disappear with the money, leaving investors high and dry.

The system of receiving funding needs to be updated to account for bad actors. And everyone should be assumed to be a bad actor. Money corrupts, simply put. We may think we would be different, but when a lot of money comes our way, everything changes. There need to be constraints put in place to prevent this corruption or at least mitigate it.

One such that I can think of is, if you are funded you give weekly updates on progress, otherwise you lose funding, end of story. I'm sure others could think of more constraints.


That constraint is perfect.

No one who recieves 1400$ a day with zero constraint or Proof of work