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RE: Theory is already reality

in #hive3 years ago (edited)

You lost your other private keys? Only have posting key?! If you have old copy of password, you could try account recovery but given that your account recovery is set to steem, not sure if that would work. One of the reasons, you should backup your password and keys because that gives you control over your own account.


Tried all that, no go. I was hoping you/ecency had my password stored, since I use your platform more than any other & would be willing to offer a reward and percentage of my savings.

Hate to see the fruit of years of hard work go to waste 😞

Do you remember how you logged in before, you can do power down or try transferring some funds to see what keys you used for login...

I am unable to access my account on my laptop, and only able to write you here because I’m already logged in using my posting key on ecency.

I can’t even see my wallet, here, and am afraid if I log out, I even lose the option to post...

Here’s a snapshot of my wallet from Hive


Yeah, that's unfortunate. You can start new account where you can control your funds and securely backup your keys... and hope one day you will find keys for this account.