Just Discovered Hive... and I am Happy!!!

in #hive4 years ago

It feels like June, 2017 when I first joined Steemit.com and fell in love with it. Steem blockchain was a huge promise, a great empowerment platform and a creative outlet. I was instantly hooked.

But then the Steem blockchain was taken over by greed. The promise broke, the platform destroyed, creativity discouraged.

(Steemit.com Profile)

The community has rejected the ideas behind Steemit takeover by Tron foundation. Being an old timer myself, I was furious too.


Now that the promise is being restored by the original community members, it feels safe and right to come back to the beautiful blockchain and be part of its evolution.

My contributions to Steemit are not hidden from anyone. My three years old posts still receive comments from newbies, thanking me for my efforts to make the blockchain based platform an accessible and understandable phenomenon.

I thank all the community for the Hive hard fork. I am ready to begin from zero (although the reputation of 64 is a big big headstart). See you all soon after I finish with my commitments.


Exactly! That's why I am here too. Altough greed and corruption will happen here too. It's a systemic problem.
But nontheless we can enjoy the community. I am happy to be here on hive!

But the decentralization and openness will be here nonetheless.

Great to see you back friend!