How did you choose your Hive username?

in #hive2 months ago

Today's Liotes Mission is inspired by @mypathtofire. He will get 3 additional credits for this suggestion. His question is quite interesting and I believe it might lead to some nice stories.

When you started on hive:

How did you choose your Hive username?

The Liotes Mission

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How did you choose your Hive username?

When I was younger, I used to write stories and the main character was called "Ironshield". In RPGs the "Iron Shield" is usually among the first upgraded equipment you can buy with your plunder. The name was borrowed from Tolkien's "Thorin Oakenshield".

(I've been on the blockchain since spring of 2017 and this is the first time I've ever explained my username) !LOLZ

Where did the ice cream man get his driver's licence?
Sundae school.

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Nice I like the reference of it. It sounds like medieval knight stuff :-)

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My nickname here was inherited from what I already used on steam and in other games, I never had a cool nickname for myself, something that people would only know me by, so I created this shiftrox which means:

shift = in English it means change;

rox = was an expression used in the old days, I don't think we use it anymore, where "rox" was equivalent to something nice, something cool that everyone liked and "sux" was something bad, boring, dull

So by adding shiftrox I meant that I always carry with me a good change, that we can always change for the better and evolve into something good, tomorrow better than today and today better than we were yesterday!

Only the old heads understand the 'rox' and 'sux' 😅

Useless information of the day: I used to produce a band called Ramona Rox hahah

kkkkkk that's from the old days, that time of rox and sux, but it was really cool, that period was incredible. And this band, where are the songs, let's listen :)

I like the story behind your name. Always change for the better ;-)

We're always looking to improve! That's it!

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Well, in the early days of the internet, when I still used mIRC to communicate with friends, that was my username. My name is Letycia and Lety has always been my nickname since I was little. The 'X' was very common in the nicknames among my friends who liked emocore and hardcore at that time. So, since around 2003, that's been my username on almost all the social networks I am.

Nice, thanks for sharing!

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My name stems from my thoughts to do a personal finance blog and my path to 🔥

There is definitely a lot of fire in your path ;-)

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My nickname was never something special, it was just a name to create a Splinterlands account. I didn't imagine I would use that name on a social network, but now I use that nickname everywhere I go!

It's often like that, we chose a name and then we tend to stick with it even for things we didn't plan :-)

Exactly, I ended up adopting that one!

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I use farmgirl in the other platforms and when I tried creating the same username here on Hive, it had already been taken. Should have been iamfarmgirl but I took out the "am" and kept the i, Lol!

Shortening is always a good solution when our names are already taken. I tend to need to make it longer most of the time :-)

Yeah, the simpler the better :)

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this name is my old persona, My grandpa loved some epics/folklores from ancient India and he gave me this name due to his love of one of the main character in Mahabharata epic... The funny thing is that I am not an Indian or India descendant, so this name is not my first name.

I started to use this persona wherever I felt that my parents did not care with what I did on those place. Later on for decades, I got used to pick this name on various places, including HIVE

It's funny how the name came to you and how it stayed. Lovely story behind it :-)

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My name is from a book. The first short name that came to mind. Dio Dao - A non-humanoid race of marsupial intelligent creatures. Most of all they resemble terrestrial kangaroos, only with more developed forelimbs. Newborn Dio-Dao are covered with fur, which falls off completely before puberty. Hermaphroditic, capable of self-fertilization (see section on reproduction). They live very short lives, about six months. If a dio-dao does not bear offspring during its lifetime, its lifespan may increase by a week to a month.
Each dio-dao contains a piece of the memory of its most distant ancestors. In exceptional cases, when the child does not acquire a personality, the parent can “pump” his consciousness completely into the child, and in this case it turns out that the father does not die, but simply changes his body. The child can look out of the bag and even talk, although most often with the permission of the parent. When the time comes, the baby leaves the pouch, the umbilical cord breaks and the parent dies. Newborn Dio-Dao are the size of a five-year-old human child, while adults are as tall as a human.

Dio-Dao has meaningful names like “Born in Autumn”, “Waiting for a Friend”, “Thinking for a Long Time”, however, there are also diminutive names (The Waiting Friend was called Di-di).
The Dio-Tao have an interesting religion: they believe in God, but they believe that he is not defined, and not yet defined. Dio-Dao are confident that God, who created the Universe and all its inhabitants, lives outside of time and is a collective mind into which representatives of all intelligent races will gather over time - when they abandon material bodies and begin to live only in the subtle world. Therefore, the “form” of God and what he actually will be has not yet been determined.

A non-humanoid race of marsupial intelligent creatures

Haha, I like that :-)

Thanks you 💫

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Thanks ☺️

Hahaha it's my default username on multiple platforms. Relf is just my nickname and I will leave you to guess what 87 means hehe!

I will leave you to guess what 87 means hehe!

It's the number of bitcoins that you own isn't it 🤣

HAHAHAHA maybe the number of the DOGE coins! :P


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The name I choose on other platforms as well. It reminds me of a village in Belgium I once visited..

It's funny how we end up with such names. How an experience of the past defines who we become online :-)

Definitely true!
Btw, definitely a great question, I enjoy reading the other answers as well!

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As I was joining Hive to play Splinterlands, I was using my usual in-game name which is cursephantom tho many people misunderstand it with "curse" and "phantom" things as a dark and evil side 😂.

WEll that's how I read it as well. Happy to know it's not that evil 😆

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Did you hear about the cat who ate a ball of yarn?
She had mittens.

Credit: marshmellowman
@liotes, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of cursephantom


My nick has followed me for the longest time, or at least, variations of it.

Probably with a variable amount of Z's... ;-)

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There is not much to say.
Google suggested it to me when I opened my second Gmail. And then it stayed with me. 😎

Google knows it all lol

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It was easy because it’s the same nick I had been using since IRC days. (OMG I am so old!!)

My name and my two surnames all start with ”P”, that's why I'm Paloma, the one who has 3 P.😂

Haha, I like the 3 at the end lol

I used to be only “p3”, but it’s too short for normal social networks. 🤣

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You name reminds me of 🔭

I love stars 🌟)

My hive id is dumbest... when I selected I though it was just a login that nobody would see it since it has some name initials...well now it is done and it is what it is!

Haha, that's funny!

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Haha mine is as simple as it can get. AK are the initials of my name and 08 is just a number that I like cause my birthday falls on the 8th August (08/08)!

But I didn't realize that this would give rise to lots of doubtful people that thinks that I am a bot than an actual user! Gotta be more mindful the next time round when coming up with an username 😅

Well, I guess 8 is your lucky number ;-)

Yeah I hope so! 🙏

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Thank you!

Pretty simple story, it's supposed to be short for The Gaming Critiques & Commentary, which was a gaming blog I was writing and trying to expand into Hive.

Ok, that sounds like a serious project that you started there :-)

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My story is sort of boring. I used the same user name I have used for ages. I am not very creative so keep using the same one over and over again.

I think once we chose our username we tend to keep it. It's the same for me :-)

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It was a username that I used in the past. I don't remember the exact reason why but I have a few different choices but I just went with this one.

It seems more often than not that the usernames chose themselves without us really realizing it :-)

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Nothing special. I wanted my hive name to say who am i, so its
"i am Farhad", which i shortened to "imfarhad"
Also, my name was already taken by someone on hive, so i improvised :-)

I want something different too, so maybe in future i will create another account too, still working on the name though :-)


Hehe, at least we know who you are ;-)

@liotes! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ imfarhad. (1/30)

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i'm love yugioh cardgame, and dragonball, fusion of name kaiba+gt xD

Oh that's a creative one :-)

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Many years ago I became a big fan of NASCAR Racing. I had transferred from our Central Technical Service Group at NB Power Corp to our IT division. I became good friends with a new co-worker who was into NASCAR3 simulation racing. We formed an online racing league, complete with local business sponsoring our races. I even had someone build me a simulator, complete with a car seat from a local stock car. It took me a while to get good at holding my line during races and unfortunately I caused a few wipeouts. During the races we would chat, text and audio. After taking out a buddy in the race I started to see F@#$ Jack in the chat window. We would often go to the local pub to watch races and after a while, I picked up the nickname FJ. You see we all had our own car number that matched a professional NASCAR driver and my number was #3 so I had to live up to the driver reputation. Dale Earnhardt. My first time seeing a live NASCAR was the Daytona 500 on February 18, 2001 and it changed my world. You see, Dale died that day in a collision in turn #3

I went trough a period of adjustment and re-evaluation of the value of a hero. I lost interest in NASCAR and I had to find another way to get me back to the love of life. Well, if you know NASCAR, it is a world of business, love and pleasure. I took a leave of absence from work and created an online business and company. FJ World Inc. So today, my FJ nickname has a double meaning. The one mentioned above and Frere Jacques. I have 7 sisters and a brother so FJ was predetermined all along. Welcome to my world. @fjworld Now how is that for a #TooFuckeh experience. #LOLZ


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Yesterday a clown held a door open for me.
I thought it was a nice jester.

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That's a cool story. Thanks for sharing!

I used a name that I had years ago and the truth is that I don't remember how it came about.

Hehe, a reminder of the past that we forgot about lol

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Normally I would like to choose my username as incubus and there is no particular reason for that. It was the name of a store I saw years ago and it looked very cool, it didn't seem like such a popular name, but then I learned about incubus in mythology and incubus as a band haha.

So it is a shop, from mythology and a band... Nice ;-)

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My nickname is derived from the wax wallet address.rqr4.wam
I used it during the migration to hive wallet.
I can't access it because I didn't secure the key. Even though my wax balance is still there.

Haha, I like this. You took the name of a wallet that you can't access anymore. I laugh because something similar happened to me ;-)

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I just stuck with the one I've used everywhere else. :)

Hehe, but where did this come from???

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Dagger was the name of a guild I had formed in one of the old mmorpgs I used to play back in the day. So, when I joined Steem and needed to come up with a name, I just used dagger and added the easy number combo.

It definitely has a gaming sound to it :-)

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I like Japanese names and I saw this one in a book. I liked it and chose it. There is no big story behind it.

Nice to see the japanese influence there :-)

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For me, it was a nickname that I gave myself since school days where I was crazy over the game brigandine and vaynard was one of the lead characters. 86 denotes my year of birth

I like names that refer to our youth. It keeps us young :-)

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Yes, there is a story that goes along with my Hive username...A few years back, I was using a hand saw to prune a tree in my front yard. I was holding a limb with one hand and sawing with the other. As things sometimes go, the saw slipped and I sliced into the base of my thumb on the hand that was holding the limb. Nobody else was home and I didn't feel like making a trip to the ER, so I just wrapped it up real tightly and I ended up with a crescent shaped scar (a moon) on the bottom of my thumb...thus the name Moonthumb was born. Since it has a somewhat mysterious feel to it, I have been using it as a gaming username ever since.

That's a funny story. Hope you don't remember the pain each time you write your name 😆

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I chose my username in Hive because it is the same one I use in all applications and pages, it is derived from my first and last name.


There is often some truth about ourselves in our usernames :-)



Did you know that protons have mass?
I didn't even know they were catholic.

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It is a combination of my name and my wife, and she made it when we were still young and still do some funny things.
But it stayed with me, and I tried to use it when I can. :)

That's nice :-)

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Thank you very much. :)

My nickname was created to play Splinterlands. It wasn't really the best choice, as I didn't know it would be used on a social network. But I'm still happy with the choice, because Elder is my name and dark is a reference to Star Wars (dark side of the force).

I thought it was refering to some lore from lord of the rings maybe :-)

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Nothing special. It's derived from my name (mostly first name).

Well that's a very close to reality one then ;-)

We seem to have had the same lack of imagination, lol.

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I was new to cryptocurrencies, they talked a lot about anonymity, security and things like that, so I looked for a nick that didn't connect me anywhere, I looked for a nick generator and after several tries I found this one, and I really liked it 😄.

So your name was chosen by a generator. Interesting :-)

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it's been 5 years and I chose my nick because I love freedom and blockchain is an answer to the cage that centralization often produces, I combined the two words liberty and crypto but there was already a nick with the name I chose and I added my lucky number
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