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RE: Is it 'Sharing Is Caring' or is it 'Caring Is Sharing'?

in #hive3 years ago

I only vaguely try to attract other creators (basically I mention it to them where it seems relevant, however the ones that are interested in nfts invariably end up going off with their other friends to other nft sites, guess it helps that said other friends are actually doing nfts unlike me who just knows they exist and has a very vague idea how they work). Hive is listed first on my blog in preferred methods of support if people feel inclined to throw money at me but in the end is not that helpful as here is actually where I get most anything.

I’m generally able to circumvent “crypto is a scam” because you don’t actually need to buy anything to start (though if you’re a hardcore commenter the RC limits are frustrating as hell, wish there were RC delegations but I have previously delegated hp to newly joined artists so they could do stuff), “it’s too complicated/confusing/intimidating” is much harder to get around.

If you’re sharing links from here have you noticed less interaction on those posts? I’ve heard rumblings that people that were sharing links from hive were mysteriously getting less interactions on those posts than other ones on Facebook. I don’t know if that’s still the case though.


I haven't been paying attention to the NFT scene. I see some folks here post a link to a platform on the outside, but I don't own any of those tokens and I'm not going to go through the hassle of getting any. Much easier to purchase here or simply upvote the post if it's an actual post and not an advertisement (pet peeve of mine, story for another day).

The RC thing is a bit frustrating and I've delegated as well but often those folks show up to create content, then vanish. Not even leaving comments anywhere. Just gone. So that can be frustrating but you roll with the punches and help when you can right.

As for sharing. I don't even have a twitter account. If I fired one up, you folks would probably be my following so that's not going to extend reach much. Far more productive if consumers share my work. I've not had any problems on Facebook sharing my content but that isn't a large group, mostly just friends and family and I barely use it. Had the Stumbleupon thing going for me, and that was a consumer's browsing tool. It moved content like nothing. Once that was gone I just focused on building a following here. Several of those followers were from steem, aren't even active any more, and wouldn't even know Hive exists.

With nft the art is basically the token.

I don’t have Twitter either 😅 think it’s only deviantart I have left that can be considered mainstream social media.

Just seems like a lot of folks are arguing on Twitter. Politically charged. A lot of manipulation. Just doesn't seem like a place I'd fit in.

There's art scenes in there somewhere. Guess it depends where you pay attention :)

Admittedly most of what I've seen on there has been politics but that's mainly because the people I know that use Twitter are into that kind of thing.