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RE: Do the DHF funded developers justify their funding?

in #hive7 months ago

I'm going to go off on one here just a little bit because.. that's what happens when I see people getting crazy amounts of money for seemingly nothing. Yes I'm jealous probably.

I personally find it quite... annoying that there are many developers subsidising their entire teams salary via the DHF but seem to make no effort to make their products they have actually viable as a profitable business.

Granted at the current user level of hive it's probably difficult to generate much income in general, but most things don't even have any form of revenue stream as far as I can tell other than the DHF..

These maintenance & dev proposals you see are what I'm on about. Seriously people need to actually think like a business more than oh hey I made a thing please pay for it's upkeep for me. while not actually trying to make it pay for itself..

The amount of money some people get form the DHF is staggering. If I had that kind of money coming in I'd have a new house, stable living and all the time in the world to churn out code with no worries lurking over me.

It's.. sad, frustrating and generally.. ugh.. Least that's how it makes me feel anyways.
Seeing all this happening in the DHF just doesn't instil any ounce of motivation to actually create stuff for hive.


I personally find it quite... annoying that there are many developers subsidising their entire teams salary via the DHF but seem to make no effort to make their products they have actually viable as a profitable business.

Absolutely agree with this. DHF should be there to imo to fund growth and lead dapps to self sustainability. Proper businesses akin to Splinterlands.
Now... thats a big obstacle to overcome since there is something called "open source code" that they deliver and its hard to put a monetary value to that.

Seeing all this happening in the DHF just doesn't instil any ounce of motivation to actually create stuff for hive.

I dont agree with that sentiment as the opposite is true for me. It motivates me to help do things properly where I can and if Im able to. With this im not able to as I dont understand the relation to what is generally expected for the pay received..

Seeing all this happening in the DHF just doesn't instil any ounce of motivation to actually create stuff for hive.

I dont agree with that sentiment as the opposite is true for me. It motivates me to help do things properly where I can and if Im able to. With this im not able to as I dont understand the relation to what is generally expected for the pay received..

I should probably view it that way as well rather than being all 'doom and gloom' & 'whats the point' kinda feeling. Since thinking that way really doesn't get me anywhere.

Sorta like.. 'dude you're doing it wrong, let me show you how it's really done' kinda thing.

Sorta like.. 'dude you're doing it wrong, let me show you how it's really done' kinda thing.

Exactly. Im not saying ill be right but if more people chip in, we have a saying in my country:

"A donkey and a man are smarter than just a man."

Paraphrasing :D.