Year 6 Plan for SPI = Kick back, chill, enjoy 2x HIVE dividends and wait for 2025! 😎

in #hive • 24 days ago

Hello SPIers, with only a few days left in year 5 for SPI, what do we plan for year 6?


Year 5 (May 2023 - May 2024)
I did a post yesterday showing 5 tokens/projects we've done over the past 12 months and gave highlights of key moments during the year for us. To cut the fat and sum it up in 1 sentence. SPI increased over 35% in the past year which is an amazing success.

Year 6 (May 2024 - May 2025)
To be honest, not that much planned other than building out what we already have. This energy will be focused mainly on EDS and DAB as both have great potential to grow further.

The thing with SPI is, its hardcapped and has nothing to sell. (DayDream mode activated) I mean we could create an SPIv2 token, mint 1M of them, revalue SPI back to 1 HIVE, airdrop 5 SPIv2 to 1 SPI to current SPI token holders and sell the other 500k to increase the fund value 2x. We'd convert the current SPI token to a Founders token that gets a juicy yearly bonus and job done. (DayDream mode de-activated) Anyways, back to Year 6. As said above, my focus will be on growing out EDS and DAB.

For EDS, there will not be any new add ons and my plan is to simply continue to shill both @eds-vote and @eds-d (EDSD). Both of these side projects grow consistently week on week and I'd like that trend to continue so I'll not be taking my foot off the gas on pushing these both as excellent ways to mint EDS and increase the EDS HIVE income pool.

For DAB, it's still a baby project and over the coming months will introduce new ways to mint DBOND. DBOND are HIVE bonds backed and pegged to 1 HIVE each. We'll release 2 curation bots at the same time. 1 will be much like @eds-vote but using a different reward structure and 2 will be a private CLUB token holder-only bot. After this, we'll release a new token to distribute DBOND into circulation. DAB has an unlimited supply and DBOND has a hardcap of 1M so DAB can scale much larger than EDS. Even after 1M DBOND are issued, we can simply create a new DBOND pegged to 2 HIVE as an example and keep the show going. DBOND and EDS have alot in common but DBOND is not the main token for DAB. To compare, DBOND is more like a backed/pegged EDS miner. There's lots of room for growth and I'll be exploring the possibility of creating NFTs that can pay a daily HIVE drip to holders. Think PUNKs on a smaller scale that pays a yield. I have many other ideas for DAB but my mind is always changing. Over the next year, we'll see it release 2 curation bots and 1 token that will distribute DBOND tokens.

In Feb/Mar 2025, I will start a full powerdown from @spi-store. We are currently enjoying nice HIVE dividends since we traded 1 BTC into 200k HIVE and powered it up to @spi-store but this will not last forever and I plan to start a full powerdown of that 200k to ensure we are fully liquid with that HIVE and prepared to convert it at a moments notice. I think we'll finish year 6 holding this 200k HIVE liquid and we'll convert it during year 7. Our exit triggers are either 1 BTC to 50k HIVE ratio or $2 HIVE, whichever comes first. If none come before Nov 2025, we convert the lot in HBD. HIVE would need to be under 30 cents for us to lose so we can start buying champagne.

That is pretty much all I have for year 6. Shill EDS, grow DAB and start a powerdown next year.

Sounds lazy but our bags are loaded and we're just waiting for the bullcycle to go crazy. Year 6 is going to be kind of a boring year but that is the way it will be, year 7 is the important one and it will make us are break us. Last cycle, we did too much and got involved with too many things both on and off HIVE. So much energy and time wasted trusting others to do things we can do better on our own.

For year 6, let's just be HP-heavy for the first 9 months. Kick back and enjoy the boosted dividends and a more stable SPI token price. We;ve been grinding 5 years already, time to enjoy the fruits of our labour a little bit. Year 7 is going to be crazy, stressful, exciting and maybe even life-changing for a few of us. Year 6 is the calm before the storm.

Thanks for taking the time to read todays post. As said above, not alot planned for year 6, our bags are loaded with HIVE and we're waiting for the price to increase.

Getting Rich Slowly from June 2019

Token NameMain AccountLink to hive-engine
SPI token@spinvestSPI
LBI token@lbi-tokenLBI
Top XV token@spinvestXV
Eddie Earners@eddie-earnerEDS
EDS miners@eddie-earnerEDSM
EDS mini miners@eddie-earnerEDSMM
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You can't live life full throttle always.

And most funds have ups and downs. With a fund that has constant ups, it important to let the HODLing do the work. Thanks for the post.

And... now that I read "founders token" it makes me smile and want us to sell more tokens. IDK what it is about names and titles that makes me smile... but it does.