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in #hivelast year

I see your good intentions, but without autovoting many investor-type stakeholders would leave for good (because an investor is not primarily one that wants to spend hours per day manually curating). So even if autovoting sucks, without it Hive would have a massive selling pressure.
Blurtt had no DV, and it didn´t prosper too much. And it would invite all kind of spam.
Earning cap? Sounds good too, but would de-incentivize some of our top authors from producing their mostly qualiy content.
I think there are no easy solutions.


Somehow I start to feel there might be no solutions at all, when it comes to money and socium involved. The least one can do is to start from himself to act nicely... and soon he will be frustrated to see nobody is following 🤪

I wonder if acting nicely is the problem rather than the solution. There are people on this platform who need to stand up for themselves against wankers who need to be told to get fucked...

I wouldn´t be that pessimistic. At least Hive is in market cap #217, above thousands of other projects!

Which ofc is a good thing. Well, uh, yeah...
I became pretty pessimistic with years...

And since I've marked 4 years at this blockchain recently, uhm 😨

Blurt had several issues but lack of downvoting was it's greatest strength, and it was almost spam free simply by emphasising the fee on each comment. It has mainly turned to shit because of some power crazed tosspot insiders ripping it off.

Looking at trending, I'd say most of the "top authors" are all part of insider the voting club, and there is far better content earning bugger all, so it would be no great loss - they are nothing special.


Content-free can easy go with spam-free :)
But already now you see on Hive all kind of spam and account farming, so some form of penalizing needs to be there.
I agree that the earning cap would be the least radical of your suggestions. But would it bring that much? Same with forbidding autovoting. I write typically quite decent content which usually takes several hours work, why should I not be allowed to upvote it?
Anyway, if you want to keep Hive a minimal niche for a few nerds, that your suggestions would pave the way :)

if you want to keep Hive a minimal niche for a few nerds, that your suggestions would pave the way :)

this. ehehe.

Hive currently IS a minimal niche for a few nerds - downvoting all the loose units off it has made it that way - pave the way - LOL


If you see it that way. Sure. But for me a glass is rather half-full, than half-empty.

I think the peaked front end is a work of art, and will probably use it with the rewards declined whatever happens, but honestly, my Fakebook feed smokes most of the content here, the site sucks, but it is filled with angry people who want to start a revolution.