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RE: Do the DHF funded developers justify their funding?

in #hive7 months ago

Despite all the opinions on the rights and wrongs of where the money is going, the amount of money in the DHF is INCREASING. Sure, we can definitely optimise how the money is spent and that's an important conversation.. but, additionally, if people don't think there should be a DHF funding projects as it does, then they should probably stop upvoting the HBD stabiliser. lol

There are several problems with the payouts as I see it:

  1. The pay rates in different parts of the world are wildly different and even experts in coding aren't going to know how this maps in a realistic way - so assessing pay for projects is not trivial.

  2. Most people don't know enough about code, marketing or project growth to really be able to professionally appraise a project. Even the people who do know how to do some or all of these typically don't invest their time in checking over the work of funded projects - presumably because there is no reward in it for them directly, only the hassle of 'outing' problem projects.

  3. As a whole, the community lacks access to data to analyse regarding these projects, their benefits and the potential gains they offer. There's no one size fits all solution to this unfortunately. I would LOVE to see projects get funded that aim to formalise and add structure to marketing data and analytics of all kinds for Hive, so that we can collectively understand what is affecting the network in order to detect areas that need work - plus identify the work that needs doing.

Personally, I can see how having generalised smart contract functionality on Hive is going to be the main tool to solving all of these problems - once people engineer clever code to target them. Smart contracts are necessary in order to create complex structures on Hive that empower/reward people for specific tasks beyond simply writing posts and receiving votes.

Once this is functional we can start to build a DAC (Decentralised Autonomous Community/Corporation) which grows itself through an ever evolving suite of smart contracts that optimise the energy we put into the system but in ways that we voluntarily agree to. Projects that lead us here in reliable ways deserve support.


Despite all the opinions on the rights and wrongs of where the money is going, the amount of money in the DHF is INCREASING.

The amount of money in the US treasury is increasing as well. Doesn't mean it doesn't impact the value of that money. In the case of the DHF, the sustained dumping of the HBD does in fact dramatically affect stake holders especially when it is handed out poorly and in large quantities.

To think we have plenty of money we should spend it on something is so short sighted and ignorant. That's a direct quote of the largest DHF receiver (by far) on Hive.


My point is partially that the system is designed for the money to be spent. That's part of the advertised design of the system and part of what people bought into on that basis. It's all an experiment and so we need to treat it as such, but still - people invested on the basis that this money would be routed to projects that stakeholders supported.

I agree that the directing of the rewards pools is very important and absolutely does affect stakeholders. The answer, though, imo - is not to stop paying the money out - it's to cultivate better projects and have the money spent in better ways.

To think we have plenty of money we should spend it on something is so short sighted and ignorant.

That's kind of built in to the design of the system though, it's been there since day one. It works more for rewarding posts than for complex software projects and I am not for a moment saying 'throw the money around willy nilly'.

That's a direct quote of the largest DHF receiver (by far) on Hive.

I'm not sure who exactly you are quoting there, but for the record I have generally been opposed to the funding of much of what I see valueplan paying for.

My point is partially that the system is designed for the money to be spent.

Spending it poorly and wastefully on things not really helping Hive is not what it was meant for. Just because you can doesn’t mean you should.

100% yes.