Combining School And Business In Nigeria

in #hivenaija10 months ago

Hello everyone, hope you are doing very well today.

Being a Nigerian student, and being an entrepreneur in Nigeria is very hectic, as you will have to do extra things to survive. I have seen a lot of students, who are also doing their business too, and trust me, it has not been easy for us as we create time for our studies, we also create time for our businesses to work, and we do not like any of them to suffer so we make sure that we put more effort to do all these things. Some of them are that we don't sleep eight hours, we do not party like other people, and we don't go where everyone goes for leisure, to make sure that we do well in business and in academics too.

In Nigerian universities, where needs are similar students who want to do business find it difficult to excel in their business, because all of them sell similar things to the same at if people on campus. This has really students, to lack behind in finances, because selling these similar goods, makes students choices, and as such those selling struggle to please them because they can buy whatever they want from another person.

If so many people are selling one particular thing, it makes it very difficult for them to excel, unless they would be very different from what people or buyers expect from them.

These are Tips on how to succeed as a student and as an entrepreneur :

If anyone wakes up to see that you are the person that is available at the moment, then that person will not have a choice but to patronize you. Be punctual to work and make sure you are not found wanting at your place of work. Whatever thing you sell, make sure that you are there for people to come and see you.

Be creative in your business, even in the manner of approaching your customers. Even if they do not want to buy your goods, you make them buy, influencing them and not forcing them. You can start by pulling the crowd with a quality advertisement, and make sure you get their attention.

In your first time, make sure that you discount your product to get a lot of customers.