
Your plagiarism still exists on the blockchain. Stop doing that and you won't get flagged. Honesty pays off.


In the history. Once things are in the blockchain they are there forever. Downvoting me for pointing out your mistakes does not help your case, but I'm not retaliating. Try making friends instead of enemies.


Wow only 1 copy pasta post and i get downvotes to my original content posts too, nice bro ,but we are doing systems like hivewatchers, hivewatchers are trying make quit here newbies who didnt know aboug copy pasta and they dont earn anything,also i think its people own choice to upvote/downvote not to make mass spam downvote to rip account.

I manually downvote where rewards are not earned. You can appeal to @hivewatchers to get the flags stopped. A good reputation is hard to win, but easy to lose. If you had any idea of the volume of abuse on Hive you would appreciate what HW do.

Id like to add that "newbies didnt know about copy pasta" are not contributing to the platform therefore it does not matter, the site is not only about earning, you lost a very good income source from @ubg, now you have to find a new one with better content. and steev fyi dosg is about 11-12 years old so dont expect much from him :D

I don't think HW is perfect by any means, but we need something to deal with the shit. They should try not to scare newbies away whilst they learn what is acceptable here. I've done what I can to help some find the right path, but others are irredeemable.

I just get money out after 3 months

Don't spend it all on your first beer :)

Meanwhile the rest of us will keep earning and engaging.