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RE: Time for Hivewatchers/spaminator to be blacklisted

in #hivewatchers3 years ago (edited)

Some of us that had been here on Hive/PeakD for some time already. We managed to talk one of our friends, Carrie-Ann Baade , a highly respected Art Professor who exhibits world-wide and is listed on Wikipedia, to join PeakD/Hive. After her first post got some upvotes, she was harassed by @hivewatchers who posted on a blocked Twitter account of hers demanding that she answer them on there. She has not used that account since January 2020 when somehow her API with Facebook was not working anymore, and she could no longer access that Twitter account.
Apparently now they blacklisted her!
This is the post:

I can personally vouch for her - and if anything, then contact her on Facebook or on her Website - or her Instagram .

This is not just some on-line relation I have with her - we known each other personally for a decade or more and have exhibited together in many shows worldwide, and so have a list of others that are currently (some of the few) serious artists with an international reputation that are still remaining on Hive. Many I know have however turned their backs on it and gave up posting.

It is very hard to recruit serious, world-class artists to this blockchain because of such shenanigans. I have a long list of great artists that just gave up on this - and what you got left are 90% of amateurs.

Art of the Mystic Otto Rapp
founder of the website VISIONARY ART GALLERY