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in #homeschoolinglast year (edited)

Better late than never... I hope you all had a great Christmas and wishing you all the best for this New Year 2023.


For many of you this year will be a new beginning where you've decided to start homeschooling your kids. For others it's a continuation of the journey you've been on for awhile now. Whichever it is... I know the trepidation each new year brings. Curriculum, homeschool moderators, checkpoints, kids, learning materials, and the list goes on. Some are greatly encouraged by friends and family while others will struggle along on their own. Find likeminded people and enjoy your journey with full gusto and kick that idea of "stupidity" out the door. I'll explain...

Apparently there are over 77 synonyms and antonyms for the word stupidity. There is the grandiosity of absurdity and apathy which are related to idiocy, ignorance, and lunacy. But what is the correlation of this to homeschooling? Absolutely none, zilch, squat all... Yet when the topic of schooling is brought up... to be more precise... when homeschooling is mentioned... the word STUPIDITY is often misconstrued for wisdom, intelligence, and acumen. Those are the antonyms, not the synonyms.

I've probably lost your attention by now but what I'm conveying here is the fact that kids need to learn synonyms, antonyms, homophones and rhyming words. Homeschooled kids are often avid readers and therefore very creative in their approach to speech and that's why synonyms, antonyms and homophones are so important. Rhyming words often come natural to kids and roll of their tongue in so many ways. English is such a versatile and colourful language that it's not hard to guess why it's become a world dominant language.

Young kids aged 9+ often thrive on these quirky language discoveries and would do well if you as a teacher explored these language skills further. Homeschool families benefit greatly from some wonderful books available at the local library and kids absolutely devour colourful, well-written, picture books for example. I encourage all parents to frequent your public library because the more people borrow books, the more resources public libraries are able to purchase through the funding they receive. This in turn provides you with bigger and better resources right at your fingertips ... and it's free!

Talking about some freebies... I have decided to make many of my resources available to homeschooling families as well as teachers. Follow the link below and make a free account to be able to download free worksheets.

Over the years I've written many resources which all have been successfully used by children, not only my own but thousands of other kids have benefited from these worksheets. Across the globe, teachers and parents have downloaded these worksheets tens of thousands of times. Please feel free to join them in a bid to help your kids learn.

Photos and written work is my own.

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