8 technologies of dehumanization

in #humanity6 months ago


This post describes the points of dehumanization us. Have you ever noticed anything similar in your own life?

  1. The upbringing of children is based on a scheme that stimulates infantile behavior among them, in other words, artificially prolonging the process of attaining social maturity.
    This is done in order to harness the energy of young people during the period of their greatest activity (from 15 to 25 years old).The fact is that throughout history, the majority of revolutionaries have been from this particular age group. A young man reaches the peak of his physical and intellectual activity by the age of 20. He is healthy, intelligent, passionate, principled, and uncompromising. Isn't that dangerous? Just remember that Alexander the Great was only 20 years old when he began his "career," Prince Sviatoslav was no older than 30 at the time of his death, and Ivan the Terrible took Kazan at the age of 22. However, in our time (especially in Europe), young people at this age are considered "adolescents." This is what the upbringing of social infantilism is aimed at - turning the shapers of history into healthy and safe children. And let the excess energy be channeled somewhere else, for example, in promiscuous sexual relationships, alcohol, drugs, or street crime;

  2. Raising girls and boys according to common standards. This is done not so much to instill masculinity in women, but rather to take it away from men;

  3. Instilling an egocentric worldview. An egoist is a loner, well, how can we not quote Mayakovsky here: '...a unit is nonsense, a unit is zero, one, even if very important, cannot lift a simple five-foot log, let alone a five-story building...'. Or 'divide and conquer' as the ancient Romans used to say;

  4. Formation of the image of a 'successful' person.
    Upon closer inspection, this 'successful' person is nothing more than an embodiment of the ideal slave of the system. A tie, a suit, a dazzling career, a great house, a fancy car, vacations abroad, Irish whiskey. Sounds great, right? Well, this person is actually lucky to be the perfect slave because they are dependent, like a drug addict, on their possessions. Therefore, they will do anything to maintain the stability of the system, enduring any humiliation on their way up the corporate ladder. They bury their childhood dreams so deep within themselves that they forget who they truly are, transforming into a human-like creature, a degenerate. This also applies to other images of 'successful' people. There's the 'cool' bulky guy with a beer mug at the bar, the 'bitch' who changes partners like gloves, the feminized madam, and the gangster. In short, there's something for every taste and preference. Choose what you want. The only missing images here are those of a protector, a warrior, a mother, a poet, a scientist, and so on. They are all distorted substitutes for the natural behavioral patterns inherent in humans;

  5. Sex and violence instead of valor and love.
    It is no secret that sexual instincts are among the strongest. Accordingly, the topic of 'sex' can be used to influence people in a certain way. Moreover, sexual instincts, like any other instincts, constitute our dark, animalistic part of personality, the unconscious of the lowest order. Through the media, advertising technologies, propaganda in scientific and artistic literature, and computer games, these instincts are stimulated.
    Friedrich Nietzsche said, 'Man is a rope stretched between the animal and the Superman, a rope over an abyss.' So, from a psychological point of view, the 'Superman' is connected to the highest form of our unconscious, the realm that serves as a source of creative, scientific, and poetic inspiration, the source of heroic deeds. The realm of the lower unconscious, on the other hand, is associated with the animal, instincts, violence, and fear. Both the 'Superman' and the beast are integral parts of ourselves, only in some, the 'Superman' dominates over the 'beast,' while in others, it is the opposite. Let me share a little secret: our masters fear the development of the higher form of the unconscious in their slaves because it is a divinely profound part of our personality that is uncontrollable and unpredictable. They rightly decided that the monster of animalistic violence associated with the instinct of reproduction, with sex, is much less dangerous to the system than the source of divine inspiration. It is precisely for this reason that the charlatan of psychology, Sigmund Freud, set out to propagate his theory. Freud was not concerned about science; he was concerned about the 'occultism' from the unconscious, he was concerned about the manifestations of wild divine power. Or rather, it concerned his sponsors. They saw a vivid example of how the image of the 'blond beast' emerged from the higher unconscious of the German people, seemingly forgotten long ago, and nearly disrupted the entire world order. For them, 'sex and violence' is safer;

  6. Consumerism, in its negative sense, is precisely the weapon from their arsenal that "kills" several "rabbits" at once. What distinguishes consumerism from consumption? Consumption is driven by the natural necessity of an individual to possess a certain object. This can be easily seen in examples. If your jacket is torn/worn out, you go and buy a new one - that's consumption. But if you go and buy a jacket because it's branded/trendy/has a certain texture or simply because you want to stand out from others - that's consumerism. In other words, consumerism is excessive and not naturally driven consumption. Why is it so important for the existing system? Firstly, consumerism is the engine of their economic model, as it constantly stimulates demand, which in turn drives producers to grow, and the electorate to take on new loans, without which the existing monetary-financial system would collapse. Secondly, consumerism is an excellent antidepressant that reduces social tension in society and, most importantly, determines the range of permissible goals for the population. Thirdly, just like any "antidepressant," people become addicted to it, making them dependent, weak, and easily controllable. Fourthly, although to a lesser extent, it blocks the higher unconsciousness;

  7. Taboo on nobility. Nobility is dangerous for system as it fosters unpredictable and uncontrollable behavior in people. They fear unclear motives; they are more comfortable when people are driven by greed, lust, addiction, and vice.

  8. Destruction of family values. This point partly overlaps with "sex and violence" but has its own specificity. The destruction of family values contributes to the destruction of national cultures and the atomization of society, stimulating selfishness and brutish behavior. The listed methods are far from an exhaustive list of weapons in their arsenal, but the goal of all these methods is simple - to kill the Soul, your Soul. And the most interesting thing is that there is one universal remedy against this plague - to remember and listen to your eternal self. Do not sell your ideals for green paper, never go against your inner voice, even if it seems rational. Intelligence is a crucial tool, but many things cannot be explained by dry logic alone. A person possesses not only reason but also emotions, feelings, and intuition. A healthy individual should develop all four aspects. Only your soul is capable of uniting these contradictory and unconnectable parts of your personalities. Do not sell it even under the threat of death or poverty, for living with a sold soul is very painful and meaningless. It is your soul that knows your true purpose. Requests can be infinitely diverse; you can be scholars, artists, musicians, engineers, builders, peasants, warriors, and many other things. You can create and destroy, do not be afraid. The main thing is not to turn into degenerates, faceless living dead of a spirit-hating system, taking yourselves away from yourselves."