Interstellar Movie Review

The man who brought us such classics like Inception, The Dark Knight Trilogy and Man of Steel, makes this epic science fiction and space drama come to life on the big screen. Enjoy the review and let me know your opinions as well.


Interstellar is one of those movies I had for months without watching because to me it seemed to be boring and needlessly long. Boy was I wrong, one day I had nothing to do watched it, and was amazed!

So much so I ended up rewatching it within a month, something I don't usually do. A truly mind bending movie!

Eh yo @jedau, ever seen this gem?

Indeed. I came across this film through a recommendation by one of my former high school colleagues. The experience I had with Interstellar is one filled with excitement and sufficient interest.

Oh yeah, I've watched this a couple of times in the past. Inception is still the top Nolan movie for me though.

I'm a big believer in all things quantum and I'm a fan of how the twist at the end played out.

Inception is still the top Nolan movie for me though.

Can't argue with you there.